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Environment for executing the monocle trajectory inference algorithm. Contains functions to convert the output to common formats.

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Environment for executing the monocle trajectory inference algorithm. Contains functions to convert the output to common formats. The container is hosted on docker hub.

This readme outlines three ways the container can be used. You'll need docker installed to follow.

For instructions below I suggest creating a shared volume, ./shared in the directory you are launching the docker from. This volume acts as shared storage. The shared storage is the easiest way to access input and output from the container.

You can run this command in bash (R needs to be installed) to create the test expression data,

R -e 'set.seed(13);write.table(replicate(110, rnbinom(500, c(3, 10, 45, 100), .1)),file="shared/",col.names=1:110, sep="\t")'

Execute the container's native analysis script:

We are trying to establish a convention where containers for TI algorithms have arun_method script in the image's $PATH. This allows a uniform interface for containers with different algorithms. The pattern is:

docker run -v $(pwd):/data <container_name> run_method <tab delim exp file> <output.json>

If the second positional argument is ommitted then a file called output_method.json will be produced. Hence, if your expression file '' is in your current working directory:

docker run -v $(pwd):/data stuartlab/monocle run_method

will produce a 'output_monocle.json' file.

Develop inside the container with Rstudio:

Move into the directory you'd like to do your work in, and create a shared directory for the docker container.

cd some/directory && mkdir shared

Let's say you have a tab delimited expression file,, you'd like to run TI analysis on. Move it into the shared directory.

cp ../../place/your/data/is/ shared

If you don't have an file, you may create example data with R.

R -e 'set.seed(13);write.table(replicate(110, rnbinom(500, c(3, 10, 45, 100), .1)),file="shared/",col.names=1:110, sep="\t")'

Then pull the image down (if it doesn't exist on your machine), and run an Rstudio session in your browser.

docker run -v $(pwd)/shared:/home/shared -d -p 8787:8787 -e PASSWORD=ABC123 -e ROOT=TRUE stuartlab/monocle

From there open your favorite browser (tested on chrome) at http://localhost:8787/. The password is ABC123 and username is rstudio.

Now you can use Rstudio to create a script that runs on your data, and save the script to /home/shared inside the container. An example script could be something like:


read_data <- function(){
  # Read tab matrix from shared dir.
  as.matrix(read.table("/home/shared/", sep="\t", header=T))
monocle_analysis <- function(expression_matrix){
  # Return a completed monocle object
  cds <- newCellDataSet(expression_matrix)
  cds <- estimateSizeFactors(cds)
  cds <- estimateDispersions(cds)
  ordering_genes <- subset(dispersionTable(cds), mean_expression>=0.1)
  cds <- setOrderingFilter(cds, ordering_genes)
  cds <- reduceDimension(cds, max_components = 2, method = "DDRTree")
  cds <- orderCells(cds)

# Execute pipeline.
exp_mat <- read_data()
monocle_obj <- monocle_analysis(exp_mat)

# Write to common format.
write_common_json(monocle_obj, file="/home/shared/monocle.json")
write_cell_x_branch(monocle_obj, file="/home/shared/")

In reality, you'll want to toy with the monocle_analysis function and investigate the resulting monocle object with the various plot functions provided by monocle. Once you're happy with the analysis and you've saved the script in the container, say /home/shared/my_analysis_script.r, you can run the script in the container to reproduce the analysis.

Execute a user defined script inside the image:

This command assumes that you have a script my_analysis_script.r in a directory named shared in your current working directory. To make your life easier I suggest developing this script inside the container as above. If you did not do that, it's necessary that the paths in my_analysis_script.r match the container's file system. This amounts to changing the paths that read and write data from path/on/machine/* to /home/shared/*.

Make sure you have your data and script in a directory named shared so the docker has access to them.

mkdir shared && cp ../../data/for/script ./shared && cp ../../my_analysis_script ./shared

Then bind the shared directory and execute the script.

docker run -v $(pwd)/shared:/home/shared stuartlab/monocle Rscript /home/shared/my_analysis_script.r

Working on a remote server (or behind VPN).

Follow the steps to develop in R studio up until you are instructed to open your favorite browser.

Use an ssh tunnel to attach the localhost:8787 of the remote server to the localhost:8787 of your machine.

ssh -L 8787:localhost:8787 sammy@your_server_ip

Now you can open your favorite browser on http://localhost:8787/ and work within the filesystem of the remote server.


Environment for executing the monocle trajectory inference algorithm. Contains functions to convert the output to common formats.






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