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Lake Repo Explain

steveri edited this page Jan 26, 2024 · 1 revision

From Github repo Correspondence, MEM tile is specified in ./ And Lake architecture overview is explained here. When looking into .py file, we can see lots of module names, so let's try to link those together.


mode: "UB"
self.read_delay = 1 
self.fw_int = int(self.mem_width / self.data_width) = 64/16 = 4

input  [15:0] input_width_17_num_0     <= chain_data_in_0
input  [15:0] input_width_17_num_1     <= chain_data_in_1
input  [15:0] input_width_17_num_2     <= data_in_0
input  [15:0] input_width_17_num_3     <= data_in_1
output [15:0] output_width_17_num_0    => data_out_0
output [15:0] output_width_17_num_1    => data_out_1
output output_width_1_num_2            => stencil_valid


input  [15:0] chain_data_in_f_0, chain_data_in_f_1
input  [15:0] data_in_f_0, data_in_f_1
output [15:0] data_out_f_0, data_out_f_1
output accessor_output_f_b_0, accessor_output_f_b_1

Every MEM tile has its own cycle counter, cycle_count in code, which would be used by SG to decide when READ/WRITE enable signal. Each MEM tile contains two AGGs, one SRAM and two TBs. We devide them into five partitions.

+-- StrgUBAggOnly
+-- StrgUBAggSRAMShared
+-- StrgUBSRAMOnly
+-- StrgUBSRAMTBShared
+-- StrgUBTBOnly


+-- StrgUBAggOnly
    +-- AddrGen *2
    +-- SchedGen *2 
    +-- ForLoop *2
    +-- agg *2 (register file) 

AggOnly contains two AGGs, each AGG is a register file of size 2*4, to aggrate words for 2 input ports. This AggOnly modules also contains the affine controller between input ports and the register file. Since there are two input ports, it contains two AGs, two SGs and two IDs, specifying the address and enable signal to READ/WRITE AGG.

AGG is SIPO interface, so the input would be one 16-bit data word for each port. After it collects four 16-bit data words, AGG would output four 16-bit data word to SRAM at a time.

input  [1:0] [15:0] data_in
output [1:0] [3:0] [15:0] agg_data_out

The ID module is specified in ./, AG is in ./, and SG is in ./spec/


AG generate the READ/WRITE address. For example, AG under AggOnly would calculate which address in AGG to be READ/WRITE. Since AGG is a small memory of size 2*4 data-words, we need 3 bits for its WRITE address (capability: 8 data-words), 1 bit for its READ address (capability: 2 pairs of 4-data-word). But if the AG is used for SRAM, which can store 512 pairs of 4-data-word, it would need 9 bits for both its WRITE/READ address.

We utilize the recurrence relation of ID and replace multipliers by an adder, a register, and a multiplexer. AG gets the input mux_sel signal from ID, deciding which stride to take to increment the running address. Lake supports up to 6-D loop nest, so we would need 3 bits for the MUX and we would have 6 stride choices to choose from.

input  [8:0] starting_addr 
input  [5:0] [8:0] strides
input  [2:0] mux_sel
output [8:0] addr_out


SG generate the READ/WRITE enable signal under the control of ID. SG would use the same AG architecture to calculate the next cycle schedule. SG would also gets cycle_count input from ID, recording the current cycle number. It can then compare the next cycle schedule with the current cycle number, and generate enable signal (valid_output) when the two results match.

input  [15:0] cycle_count
input  [15:0] sched_addr_gen_starting_addr
input  [5:0] [15:0] sched_addr_gen_strides
input  [2:0] mux_sel
output valid_output


ID corresponds to for-loop. It would output the mux_sel signal needed by AG and SG. The ranges is the boundary of each loop, corresponding to extent attribute in config file.

input  [5:0] [9:0] ranges
input  [3:0] dimensionality
output [2:0] mux_sel_out

If the input was added additional attribute ConfigRegAttr, it means that this input signal could be reconfigured directly by the compiler. This is where reconfigurable array comes from. {: .block-tip }


+-- StrgUBAggSRAMShared
    +-- AggSramSharedAddrGen *2
    +-- AggSramSharedSchedGen *2

AggSRAMShared only contains the affine controller between AGGs and SRAM. It contains two AGs and two SGs. The SG here is used to generate READ enable from AGG, which is also the WRITE enable for SRAM. The AG here is used to generate both the WRITE address for SRAM and the READ address for AGG, SRAM address is 9-bit and we would just take its LSB as the AGG READ address since AGG depth is 2.

The agg_read_out signal is the WRITE enable signal from SRAM, and the agg_sram_shared_addr_out signal is the WRITE address for SRAM.

output [1:0] agg_read_out
output [1:0] [8:0] agg_sram_shared_addr_out


Now SG is optimize to 4-to-1, in other words, it collects 4 data-words than pass READ enable signal to SRAM. But what if the range is not multiplicant of 4?

For example, in resnet_tiny.json, the range (the extent flag) is 14 now. AGG starts collecting data-word from cycle 0, SG would send out READ enable signal after collecting 4 data-words (cycle_stride[0] = 4) on cycle 4 (pass data from cycle 0,1,2,3), 8 (pass data from cycle 4,5,6,7), 12 (pass data from cycle 8,9,10,11). But the data-words collected at cycle 12 and cycle 13 are writen in AGG but haven't pass to SRAM yet. So we would specify agg_read_padding flag for AggSramSharedSchedGen to start counting at cycle 13 and generate the READ enable signal at cycle 16 (pass data from cycle 12,13).

In the mean time, data-words still coming in for the second loop start with cycle 14. So there would also READ enable on cycle 18 (pass data from cycle 14,15,16,17), 22 (pass data from 18,19,20,21), etc.




+-- StrgUBSRAMOnly
    +-- AddrGen *2

SRAMOnly only contains the affine controller between SRAM and TBs. It contains two AGs, which are used for generate READ address for SRAM. The t_read signal is the READ enable signal of SRAM, receive from SG in SRAMTBShared.

input  [1:0] t_read
output [1:0] [8:0] sram_read_addr_out,


+-- StrgUBSRAMTBShared
    +-- SchedGen *2 
    +-- ForLoop *2

SRAMTBShared also only contains the affine controller between SRAM and TBs. It contains two SGs and two IDs. SG here is used for generate READ enable from SRAM. The t_read_out signal is the READ enable from SRAM, and if delay 1 cycle it would be the WRITE enable for TB. The loops_sram2tb_mux_sel signal is generated from ID. We support 6-D so mux sel signal is 3 bits.

output [1:0] t_read_out
output [1:0] [2:0] loops_sram2tb_mux_sel


+-- StrgUBTBOnly
    +-- AddrGen *4
    +-- SchedGen *2 
    +-- ForLoop *2
    +-- tb *2 (register file) 

TBOnly contains two TBs, each TB is a register file of size 2*4, for 2 output ports, act as a transposed buffer between TB and output port. This TBOnly modules also contains the affine controller between TBs and output port. It contains four AGs, two SGs and two IDs. Two AGs generate the WRITE address for TB and the other two AGs generate the READ address from TB. SG is used to generate READ enable of TB.

TB is PISO interface, so the input would be four 16-bit data word, and the output would be one 16-bit data word for each port.

input  [3:0] [15:0] sram_read_data
output [1:0] [15:0] data_out
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