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Timea edited this page Mar 3, 2022 · 15 revisions

This is intended to give some help when developing SolidOs.


What is a store in SOlidOS code?

A store is created by rdflib library (see introduction). Synonyms are "kb" (knowledge base), LiveStore A store relates to a javascript object meant to manipulate RDF in memory. Basically, it is an object organized to allow parsing through quads. A quad is a triple with a source document.

Is a store a cache system?

yes mostly if called through solid-logic

Code related

rdflib way of working with data

  • webOperations: performs all HTTP fetch functions
  • fetcher.load: insert a web document to the store if not existing already
  • updater.update: update store data and write them back to the web

Setting up & first steps with SolidOS code

Setting up nvm to develop for SolidOS

Many of the repositories used in this project rely upon Node Version Manager to maintain the Node version used to build the project. Be sure to have it installed.

These scripts assume that ~/.nvm/ is a script that is sourced and establishes the nvm shell functions. Depending on your nvm installation and OS, it may be necessary to manually create a symlink from ~/.nvm/ to your installed version of For example, on macOS using Homebrew, the following command will be sufficient to allow these SolidOS scripts to use nvm:

cd ~/.nvm
ln -s /usr/local/opt/nvm/