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Youenn "SkytAsul" Le Jeune edited this page Jun 20, 2024 · 2 revisions

The plugin has an internal placeholders system.

Those placeholders may be used in stage description messages, in most in-game messages, in quest description...
Most of them are contextual: it means for instance that the stage placeholders are only available in the context of a stage description (shown in scoreboard, in GUI...).


This list is not yet exhaustive

Quest placeholders

  • quest: name and id of the quest, in format name (#id)
  • quest_name
  • quest_id
  • quest_description: description of the quest, or nothing if not defined

NPC placeholders

  • npc_name
  • npc_id

Stages placeholders

Shared between Stages

  • all placeholders from Quest
  • stage_type
  • stage_rewards: amount of rewards of the stage
  • stage_requirements: amount of requirements of the stage

Shared between Entity stages

  • all placeholders from Stages
  • mobs: preformatted information about the entities, following the stage description.item formats section in config.yml
  • mobs_remaining: amount of mobs remaining for the action
  • mobs_done: amount of mobs for which the action have already been done
  • mobs_total: total amount of mobs for the action
  • mobs_percentage: percentage of mobs done / total mobs
  • mobs_name: name of the mobs for the action

Shared between stages with multiple <object_type>

  • all placeholders from Stages
  • <object_type>, <object_type>_remaining|done|total|percentage|name: informations about the objects, see "Entity stage"
  • <object_type>_<id>_remaining|done|total|percentage|name: informations about the id-th object, see "Entity stage"

"Breed animals" stage

  • all placeholders from Entity stages

"Bring items to NPC" stage

  • all placeholders from "Talk to NPC" stage
  • items: formatted list of items, following the stage description section in config.yml

"Fill buckets" stage

  • all placeholders from Stages
  • bucket_type: name of the bucket to fill
  • buckets, buckets_remaining|done|total|percentage|name: informations about the buckets, see "Entity stage"

"Write in chat" stage

  • all placeholders from Stages
  • text: text to write in the chat

"Craft items" stage

  • all placeholders from Stages
  • items, items_remaining|done|total|percentage|name: informations about the items to craft, see "Entity stage"

"Deal damage" stage

  • all placeholders from Stages
  • damage_remaining|done|total|percentage: informations about the damage, see "Entity stage"
  • target_mobs: list of mobs applicable for this stage

"Kill mobs" stage

"Talk to NPC" stage

  • all placeholders from Stages
  • all placeholders from NPC
  • dialog_npc_name: name of the NPC. Either the real NPC's name, or the custom one if set in the dialog editor.