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API – Get player quest status

SkytAsul edited this page Jan 30, 2021 · 2 revisions


First, you have to get a fr.skytasul.quests.players.PlayerAccount instance for the player you want to get the status from. For this, use fr.skytasul.quests.players.PlayersManager#getPlayerAccount(Player player).

Now, you will need to get the fr.skytasul.quests.structure.Quest instance of the quest you want to get the status of.

  • If you know the ID of the quest, you can use fr.skytasul.quests.api.QuestsAPI#getQuestFromID(int id).
  • If you want a list of all available quests, use QuestsAPI#getQuests().
  • If you want a list of quests from a single Citizens NPC, use QuestsAPI#getQuestsAssigneds(NPC npc).
  • You can use QuestsAPI#getQuestsStarteds(PlayerAccount account), QuestsAPI#getQuestsUnstarted(PlayerAccount account) and QuestsAPI#getQuestsFinished(PlayerAccount account) if you want lists of quests specific for a player.

Getting status

Now you have the PlayerAccount and Quest instances, let's head to the real part of the problem.

There are three cases:

The quest is in progress

This means that Quest#hasStarted(PlayerAccount) returns true.

To get the description of the quests, use quest.getBranchesManager().getPlayerBranch(account).getDescriptionLine(account, Source.SCOREBOARD). (you can replace Source.SCOREBOARD by whichever source you'd like among: SCOREBOARD, MENU, PLACEHOLDER, FORCESPLIT, FORCELINE)

WARNING: Quest#hasFinished(PlayerAccount) may return true as some quests can be done multiple times.

The quest is finished

This means that Quest#hasStarted(PlayerAccount) returns false.

The quest has never started

This means that Quest#hasStarted(PlayerAccount) and Quest#hasFinished(PlayerAccount) returns false.