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Vainock edited this page Jul 30, 2019 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the GUI Help wiki section : Quests Details

In this inventory you'll set all details about the quest you want to create.

There is plenty items there:

  • The grey dye is a switch to enable/disable several using of the same quest.
  • The name tag serves to edit the name of the quest. (necessary)
  • When you click on the door item, the requirements inventory will open and you'll be able to click on each requirement to add and configure them: - (When you have finished, click on the diamond item to come back to the details GUI)

  • When you click on the stone word, it will open another inventory where you'll be able to place items rewards.
  • The experience bottle is used to edit the amount of experience acquired at the end of the quest.
  • The redstone torch (only with Vault) will allow you to set a permission reward.
  • The emerald item (only with Vault) will allow you to edit money earned.
  • Both egg and stick serves to choose or create the NPC who starts the quest. (necessary)
  • The paper item permit to edit the message who'll be sent at the end of the quest.
  • When the book and quill item will be clicked, it'll close this inventory and allow you to make a dialog between NPC and player, who'll be played before the quest.

Once you have finished to configure all theses things, look at the item at the up-right corner of the inventory: if it's a gold ingot, just click on it and your quest will be created. If it's a nether brick, that means that you have not chosen necessary things: quest's name and NPC starter. Configure them, and the item will turn into a gold ingot 😉