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Vainock edited this page Jul 30, 2019 · 24 revisions

Welcome to the Configuration wiki page

Look here for the default config.yml file.

Let's look at this :

Name Data Description
redoMinuts integer Number of minutes before the quest can be redone
lang string of characters Chosen lang (file name) Available by default: fr, en, cn
minecraftTranslationsFile string of characters Chosen Minecraft vanilla translations (JSON file name). Some can be found on SkytAsul's Discord server
checkUpdates true/false Enable or disable update checking on the loading
enablePrefix true/false Enable or disable prefix before plugin message
saveCycle integer Number of minutes between two periodic saves
firstQuest integer ID of the quest who'll be started on first connection of players (to disable: -1)
maxLaunchedQuests integer Max amount of quests who can be started at the same time by a player (you can bypass this limit for some quests)
debug true/false DEVs - Enable or disable the debug mode
scoreboards true/false Enable or disable the scoreboards
showEmptyScoreboard true/false Does the plugin has to show empty scoreboards ?
playerQuestUpdateMessage true/false Enable or disable message when a quest is updated (next stage)
playerStageStartMessage true/false Enable or disable default messages when a stage starts
allowPlayerCancelQuest true/false Allows player to cancel quests they have started
sounds true/false Enable of disable playing sounds on differents actions
fireworks true/false Enable or disable fireworks
mobsProgressBar true/false Show a progress bar (bossbar) when a player has to kill some mobs for a quest
progressBarTimeoutSeconds integer Amount of seconds before the progress bar will disappear (set it to 0 to make it persistant)
skillAPIoverride true/false Enable or disable SkillAPI experience overriding
accountsHook true/false Enable or disable AccountsHook managing player accounts
splittedAdvancementPlaceholderMax integer Max amount of lines for the splitted placeholder %beautyquests_started_ordered_X%
hologramsHeight double Value added to the hologram height (decimal value)
holoNPC string of characters Text in the hologram showed above the Quest NPC name (HolographicDisplays) If empty, no hologram
holoLaunchItemName string of characters Material name of the hologram showed above head of Quests starter. If ProtocolLib is enabled, holograms will be visible only by players who can start the quest
holoTalkItemName string of characters Material name of the hologram showed above head of Stage NPC. If ProtocolLib is enabled, holograms will be visible only by players who has to talk with this NPC
- markerSetName string of characters Name of the marker set
- markerIcon string of characters ID of the icon who'll be showed on the dynmap
item integer Item who represents a quest in the Choose GUI
pageItem string of characters Material's name of page item
questItem string of characters Lore added to a Quest Item (an item who can't be dropped)
itemNameColor string of characters Prefix before name in lists (example: a, b and c)
itemAmountColor string of characters Prefix before amounts in lists (example: a2, b7 and c)
particles true/false Enable or disable particles
particleEffect string of characters Name of particle (among: barrier, block_crack, block_dust, bubble_column_up, bubble_pop, cloud, crit, crit_magic, current_down, damage_indicator, dolphin, dragon_breath, drip_lava, drip_water, enchantment_table, end_rod, explosion_huge, explosion_large, explosion_normal, falling_dust, fireworks_spark, flame, footstep, heart, item_crack, item_take, lava, mob_appearance, nautilus, note, portal, redstone, slime, smoke_large, smoke_normal, snow_shovel, snowball, spell, spell_instant, spell_mob, spell_mob_ambient, spell_witch, spit, squid_ink, suspended, suspended_depth, sweep_attack, totem, town_aura, villager_angry, villager_happy, water_bubble, water_drop, water_splash, water_wake)
particleColor integer Red, green and blue values for the wanted color of the particles (only for reddust, mobSpellAmbient and mobSpell)*
particleShape string of characters Shape of particles (among: point, near, bar, exclamation)

*To create your own colors, use this kind of website :

First, go the website (link above). Choose a color among those of the hexagon, and copy the three values of the "rgb" line in the configuration file.

How to make an array ?

Arrays are everytime delimited by []. If you want to build an empty array, just type []. If you want an array with only one value, it's [VALUE]. And after, you just have to separate values by a comma, like this: [1, 2, 3] (viva la Francia).