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SkytAsul edited this page Mar 10, 2018 · 24 revisions

Welcome to the Configuration wiki page

Here is the default config.yml file :

redoMinuts: 5
lang: en
checkUpdates: true
enablePrefix: true

debug: false

scoreboards: true
showEmptyScoreboard: false
playerQuestUpdateMessage: true

fireworks: true
skillAPIoverride: true
holoNPC: "§8§lQuest NPC"

item: 340

particles: true
particleEffect: reddust
  RED: 255
  BLUE: 0
  GREEN: 255

Let's look at this :

Name Data Description
redoMinuts integer Number of minutes before the quest can be redone
lang string of characters Chosen lang (file name)
checkUpdates true/false Enable or disable update checking on the loading
enablePrefix true/false Enable or disable prefix before plugin message
debug true/false DEVs - Enable or disable the debug mode
scoreboards true/false Enable or disable the scoreboards
showEmptyScoreboard true/false Does the plugin has to show empty scoreboards ?
playerQuestUpdateMessage true/false Enable or disable message when a quest is updated (next stage)
particles true/false Enable or disable particles
fireworks true/false Enable or disable fireworks
skillAPIoverride true/false Enable or disable SkillAPI experience overriding
holoNPC string of characters Text in the hologram showed above the Quest NPC name (HolographicDisplays) If empty, no hologram
item integer Item who represents a quest in the Choose GUI
particleEffect string of characters Name of particle (among: explode, largeexplode, hugeexplode, fireworksSpark, bubble, splash, wake, suspended, depthSuspend, crit, magicCrit, smoke, largesmoke, spell, instantSpell, mobSpell, mobSpellAmbient, witchMagic, dripWater, dripLava, angryVillager, happyVillager, townaura, note, portal, enchantmenttable, flame, lava, footstep, cloud, reddust, snowballpoof, snowshovel, slime, heart, barrier, iconcrack, blockcrack, blockdust, droplet, take, mobappearance)
particleColor integer Red, green and blue values for the wanted color of the particles (only for reddust, mobSpellAmbient and mobSpell)*

*To create your own colors, use this kind of website :

First, go the website (link above). Choose a color among those of the hexagon, and copy the three values of the "rgb" line in the configuration file.