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SkytAsul edited this page Feb 3, 2018 · 24 revisions

Welcome to the Configuration wiki page

Here is the default config.yml file :

redoMinuts: 5
lang: en
checkUpdates: true
enablePrefix: true

debug: false

scoreboards: true
showEmptyScoreboard: false
playerQuestUpdateMessage: true

fireworks: true

item: 340

particles: true
particleEffect: reddust
  RED: 255
  BLUE: 0
  GREEN: 255

Let's look at this :

Name Data Description
redoMinuts integer Number of minutes before the quest can be redone
lang string of characters Chosen lang (file name)
checkUpdates true/false Enable or disable update checking on the loading
enablePrefix true/false Enable or disable prefix before plugin message
debug true/false DEVs - Enable or disable the debug mode
scoreboards true/false Enable or disable the scoreboards
showEmptyScoreboard true/false Does the plugin has to show empty scoreboards ?
playerQuestUpdateMessage true/false Enable or disable message when a quest is updated (next stage)
particles true/false Enable or disable particles
fireworks true/false Enable or disable fireworks
item integer Item who represents a quest in the Choose GUI
particleEffect string of characters Name of particle (among: explode, largeexplode, hugeexplode, fireworksSpark, bubble, splash, wake, suspended, depthSuspend, crit, magicCrit, smoke, largesmoke, spell, instantSpell, mobSpell, mobSpellAmbient, witchMagic, dripWater, dripLava, angryVillager, happyVillager, townaura, note, portal, enchantmenttable, flame, lava, footstep, cloud, reddust, snowballpoof, snowshovel, slime, heart, barrier, iconcrack, blockcrack, blockdust, droplet, take, mobappearance)
particleColor integer Red, green and blue values for the wanted color of the particles (only for reddust, mobSpellAmbient and mobSpell)*

*To create your own colors, use this kind of website :