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Player Commands

Ben edited this page Apr 30, 2024 · 5 revisions

Introduction to Player Commands

These are console commands that players can use if the plugin that they belong to is loaded.
Something to keep in mind is that these commands can either be used through chat triggers or as console commands, which often confuses players.
In order to demonstrate how to properly use a command, I'll provide an example:

Command(s) Description
sm_test, sm_testie Does nothing, serves as an example
  • Console Usage:
    • Step 1 - Open Console.
    • Step 2 - Type in sm_test or sm_testie and press Enter.
  • Chat Usage:
    • Step 1 - Open chat.
    • Step 2 - Type in !test OR /test (same applies to "testie").

If you decide to bind a key to use this command, the proper way to do this would be: bind <key> sm_test


Not all plugins are loaded in every matchmode, some servers may also handle some commands differently and/or have additional commands available on their servers.
This page only exists to show the available commands that exist in a typical L4D2 Competitive scenario.

All Player Commands

  • match_vote.smx
Command(s) Description Arguments Default Behavior Example
sm_match Start a vote to load a matchmode available on the server Optional: <name of config> Open up the matchmode menu for you to pick a matchmode to load sm_match zonemod
sm_chmatch Start a vote to load a different matchmode than the currently loaded one <name of config> sm_chmatch zonemod
sm_rmatch Start a vote to unload the currently loaded matchmode
  • slots_vote.smx
Command(s) Description Arguments Example
sm_slots Start a vote to limit slots available on the server <amount of slots> sm_slots 8
Command(s) Description Arguments Example
sm_setscores Start a vote to set scores for both teams <survivor score> <infected score> sm_setscores 500 250
  • caster_system.smx
Command(s) Description
sm_cast Register yourself as a caster, which allows you to use addons after reconnecting, but you're limited to the spectating team.
sm_uncast, sm_notcasting Remove yourself as caster, after reconnecting you're able to join a non-spectating team again.
  • optional/readyup.smx
Command(s) Description
sm_ready, sm_r Sets your readyup status as ready
sm_unready Sets your readyup status as unready
sm_toggleready Switch between ready and unready depending on your current readyup status
  • optional/playermanagement.smx
Command(s) Description
sm_spectate, sm_spec, sm_s Switch to the spectating team
  • optional/lerpmonitor.smx
Command(s) Description
sm_lerps View a list of every player's cl_interp value.
  • optional/pause.smx
Command(s) Description
sm_pause Pauses the game
sm_unpause, sm_ready Marks your team as ready to unpause the game.
sm_unready Marks your team as unready to unpause the game.
sm_toggleready Toggles your team's ready to unpause status
  • optional/l4d2_ghost_warp.smx
Command(s) Description Arguments Default Behavior Example
sm_warp, sm_warpto, sm_warptosurvivor As an infected ghost warp to a specific survivor or depending on their distance Optional: <survivor name> OR <1-4> Warp to a random survivor sm_warpto ellis OR sm_warpto 1
  • optional/current.smx
Command(s) Description
sm_current, sm_cur Shows the current survivor progress through the map
  • optional/l4d_boss_percent.smx
Command(s) Description
sm_boss, sm_tank, sm_witch Shows the current survivor progress through the map as well as at where the Boss infected will spawn.
  • optional/l4d_boss_vote
Command(s) Description Arguments Example
sm_bossvote, sm_voteboss Vote for a different spawning point for Boss spawns (during readyup phase) <tank %> <witch %> sm_bossvote 50 30
  • optional/l4d2_scoremod
Command(s) Description
sm_health Shows the current Health Bonus remaining as well as the maximum bonus and custom map distance (if applicable)
  • optional/l4d2_hybrid_scoremod
Command(s) Description Arguments Example
sm_health, sm_damage, sm_bonus Shows the current Health and Damage Bonus remaining, as well as the maximum. Optional: full, lite sm_health full
sm_mapinfo Shows the maximum scoring for the map in each category (Health Bonus, Damage Bonus, Pill Bonus) as well as the map distance
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