Assuming that you have already installed ROS using the ROS-desktop variant, the following can help you install all the required software packages.
- Install PCL_ROS and Image_View
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install ros-melodic-pcl-ros ros-melodic-image-view
- Build CUDA ROS SGM Package
cd /../cuda_sgm_ros
catkin bt
Apart from some deprecated syntax warnings, it should build fine.
- Download test data
a) Get the original bag file from this folder:
b) Also download the calibration file
file: fisheye_stereo_rectify.yml
- Move the calibration file to the .ros folder
mv fisheye_stereo_rectify.yml ~/.ros/
- Re-map image topics and launch stereo_gpu.launch
roslaunch cuda_sgm_ros stereo_gpu.launch
- Visualize
# Disparity View
rosrun image_view disparity_view image:=/stereo_gpu/disparity
# Disparity Image
Some benchmarks on the CUDA Semi Global Matching ROS Node:
- Create a workspace
cd ~
mkdir ros_py35
cd ros_py35
- Unset existing ROS workspaces if you have any
vim ~/.bashrc
- Get Python3 helpers
sudo pip3 install rosdep
sudo pip3 install rosinstall_generator
sudo pip3 install wstool
sudo pip3 install rosinstall
- Configure your catkin workspace
mkdir src
catkin config --init
catkin config -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release