PDFGenie - Interactive PDF AI Chatbot LIVE- https://pdfgenie-g7n2.vercel.app/
Welcome to PDFGenie, a cutting edge SaaS product transforming user interactions with PDF documents. Our advanced AI-driven chatbot facilitates seamless communication, enabling users to inquire and receive comprehensive answers from their PDFs.
Intelligent Chatbot : Experience a natural, conversational interaction with your PDFs. Our AI chatbot comprehends your questions and delivers pertinent responses.
Secure User Profile Storage: Leveraging PlanetScale and Prisma for robust and secure storage of user profiles, placing a high emphasis on data safety.
Enhanced Data Safety: The implementation of trpc strengthens data security between the server and client, assuring a protected and efficient communication pathway.
Optimized Vector Database: Utilizing Pinecone, our system enhances vector database functionalities, improving the overall effectiveness and precision of our AI chatbot.
Language Model Optimization: Integration of Langchain augments language model capabilities, offering a more sophisticated and seamless interaction experience.
Authentication with KindeAuth: KindeAuth provides secure user authentication, ensuring a dependable and safe login procedure.
Secure Payments with Stripe: Stripe integration enables hassle-free and secure payment transactions, focusing on a fluid user experience and financial safety.
NextJS: A React framework that enables server-side rendering and other performance optimizations.
React: A popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
Prisma: A database toolkit that enhances database access and management.
Trpc: Implemented for enhanced data safety and efficient communication between server and client.
Pinecone: Used to optimize vector database functionalities for improved performance.
Typescript: A typed superset of JavaScript that enhances code quality and maintainability.
Stripe: Integrated for secure and seamless payment processing.
Zod: A TypeScript-first schema declaration and validation library.
Neo: Utilized for secure storage of user profiles.
KindeAuth: Ensures secure user authentication.
Tailwind: A utility-first CSS framework for styling the application.
Shadcn: Used it to make multiple components like dropdown menu, dialog, toast, avatar etc.
UploadThing: Empower your file management with UploadThing, a cutting-edge solution using React, Node.js, MongoDB, AWS S3, and more for seamless and secure file uploads.
Langchain: Employed to optimize language model functionalities.
Lucide-React: Integrated for customizable icon components.
React-Dropzone: Utilized for easy and intuitive file uploads.
React-PDF: Incorporated for seamless PDF rendering.
Tailwind Merge: Implemented for efficient management of Tailwind CSS styles.