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354 lines (252 loc) · 12.2 KB

File metadata and controls

354 lines (252 loc) · 12.2 KB

This guide is updated as of Jan 13, 2023.

Note: To be able to build this app exactly as intended, you can use Josh's pnmp-lock.yaml file to get his exact versions of all node_modules.

If you want to build using more recent/up-to-date modules, you can follow along here:

Kinde's 'getUser()' requires await now [1:27:12]

Any and all uses of Kinde's getUser() are a bit different, they require await in the newest version [info here]


const FunctionName = () => {
    const { getUser } = getKindeServerSession()
    const user = getUser()


const FunctionName = async () => {
    const { getUser } = getKindeServerSession()
    const user = await getUser()

A list of areas I had to add/update await getUser() on:

  • src/app/dashboard/page.tsx - come back and link these later
  • src/trpc/index.ts - come back and link these later
  • [2:44:58] src/trpc/trpc.ts
  • [3:29:12] src/app/dashboard/[fileid]/page.tsx
  • [4:19:54] src/app/api/uploadthing/core.ts
  • [6:42:08] src/app/api/message/route.ts
  • [9:03:21] src/app/pricing/page.tsx
  • [9:28:05] src/lib/stripe.ts

Note: This also means you need to update certain functions like src/app/dashboard/page.tsx to async when you call await inside.

Uploadthing setup + Typesafe errors [4:13:32]

Changes in install, and potential typesafe errors

UploadThings Docs show a different pnpm / npm install

pnpm add uploadthing @uploadthing/react

Note: You actually manually end up installing @uploadthing/react a bit later.

And there was also a set of TypeSafe errors inside of src/app/api/uploadthing/core.ts when I loaded it up, if anyone else encounters this, it's an issue with your version of Typescript being under 4.9. Make sure it's 4.9 or higher:

  1. CTRL+Shift+P / CMD+Shift+P
  2. Search Select Type...
  3. Choose TypeScript: Select TypeScript Version...
  4. Check what version is selected, I swapped it to Use Workspace Version and problem solved.

For a bit more info on why the VSCode version is different, and how to change the version of VSCode (if you want) take a look at the VSCode docs here.

Message route 'userId' issues [6:42:15]

src/app/api/message/route.ts this was giving a TS Error: Property 'id' does not exist on type 'KindeUser | null'.

const { getUser } = getKindeServerSession();
const user = await getUser();

const { id: userId } = user;


const { getUser } = getKindeServerSession();
const user = await getUser();
// Use optional chaining to access 'id' property
const userId = user?.id;

With this modification, if user is null or undefined, userId will also be undefined, and the check if (!userId) will handle the unauthorized case as before. If user is not null or undefined, userId will hold its id property.

Pinecone Errors [7:14:20]

Fixing Pinecone errors, oh the errors..

Okay this one actually took me a while, I couldn't see any errors but I wasn't getting any results in Pinecone's dashboard like Josh had Namespaces available after uploading something.

Shoutouts to the Discord and everyone who was dealing with this, I had to navigate a few fixes to figure everything out, but with SiddarthPant's fix from the Discord I managed to get the Namespaces updating.

OpenAI Credits: You need to confirm that your OpenAI account has credits available, your free credits can expire over time! I checked and mine were expired (you can see they're red in the bar in instead of green if they're expired.) To correct this, either make a new account, or throw $5 into your account so you have working credits. (If you need to throw money onto your account maybe give it 5-10 minutes as well?)

src/lib/pinecone.ts - Using the newer config that Josh showed

import { Pinecone } from "@pinecone-database/pinecone";

export const pinecone = new Pinecone({
  apiKey: process.env.PINECONE_API_KEY!,
  environment: process.env.PINECONE_ENVIRONMENT!,

Note: I moved the environment call to the .env as well, just seemed cleaner in case I needed to edit it down the road.


// ... other imports ...

import { PDFLoader } from "langchain/document_loaders/fs/pdf";
import { OpenAIEmbeddings } from "langchain/embeddings/openai";
import { PineconeStore } from "langchain/vectorstores/pinecone";
import { pinecone } from "@/lib/pinecone";

const f = createUploadthing();

export const ourFileRouter = {
  pdfUploader: f({ pdf: { maxFileSize: "4MB" } })
    .middleware(async ({ req }) => {
      // ... middleware logic ...
    .onUploadComplete(async ({ metadata, file }) => {
      // ... createdFile const ...

      try {
        const response = await fetch(file.url);
        const blob = await response.blob();
        const loader = new PDFLoader(blob);
        const pageLevelDocs = await loader.load();
        const pagesAmt = pageLevelDocs.length;

        // vectorize and index entire document
        const pineconeIndex = pinecone.Index("pdfgenie");
        const embeddings = await new OpenAIEmbeddings({
          openAIApiKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY,

        await PineconeStore.fromDocuments(pageLevelDocs, embeddings, {

        // ...additional logic...
      } catch (err) {
        // Super awesome error logging
        console.dir(err, { depth: null });
        console.log(`Error Type: ${typeof err}\n Error:${err}`);

        // ...error handling etc
} satisfies FileRouter;

export type OurFileRouter = typeof ourFileRouter;

Note: I had originally commented out the namespace: but I realized it's necessary in order for Pinecone to be able to separate your vectors per file, so I reworked this.


// ... other imports ...

import { OpenAIEmbeddings } from "langchain/embeddings/openai";
import { pinecone } from "@/lib/pinecone";
import { PineconeStore } from "langchain/vectorstores/pinecone";
import { openai } from "@/lib/openai";
import { OpenAIStream, StreamingTextResponse } from "ai";

export const POST = async (request: NextRequest) => {
  // ...initial setup...

  // 1: Vectorize message
  const embeddings = await new OpenAIEmbeddings({
    openAIApiKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY,

  const pineconeIndex = pinecone.Index("pdfgenie");

  const vectorStore = await PineconeStore.fromExistingIndex(embeddings, {

  // ...additional logic...

Optimistic Message Updates, Passing Ref TS Error [8:53:48]

After doing Josh's update to pass the ref from Messages.tsx into Message.tsx I got a TS Error:

Component definition is missing display name

This was happening because ESLint cannot automatically infer a display name for the component when we use forwardRef. This display name is useful for debugging, especially when inspecting components in React DevTools.

To resolve this issue, we can explicitly set a display name for the Message component. This can be done by assigning a displayName property to the component after you define it. Here's how:

const Message = forwardRef<HTMLDivElement, MessageProps>(
  ({ message, isNextMessageSamePerson }: ref) => {
    // ... Existing Code ...

Message.displayName = "Message"; // Add this line!

export default Message;

Note: This ends up getting fixed later on in the video.

Stripe getUserSubscriptionPlan() apiVersion issue [9:29:26]

I got an on the src/lib/stripe.ts here after installing Stripe: Type '"2023-08-16"' is not assignable to type '"2023-10-16"'. this occured on the line where apiVersion is set in the stripe object initialization.


// ... imports ...

export const stripe = new Stripe(process.env.STRIPE_SECRET_KEY ?? "", {
  apiVersion: "2023-08-16", // Update this to 2023-10-16 worked for me
  typescript: true,

export async function getUserSubscriptionPlan() {
  // ... function logic ...

Vercel Deployment - Prisma Caching Issues [9:59:29]

Trying to deploy was giving me a much different issue than Josh's video, I had prisma showing up in my package.json just fine, but I was receiving this error when trying to deploy:

Prisma has detected that this project was built on Vercel, which caches dependencies.
This leads to an outdated Prisma Client because Prisma's auto-generation isn't triggered.
To fix this, make sure to run the `prisma generate` command during the build process.

Learn how:

Luckily this is a quick fix, just go into your package.json and do an update to your "scripts" area to include prisma generation in your build.

"scripts": {
  "dev": "next dev",
  "build": "next build",
  "start": "next start",
  "lint": "next lint",
  "postinstall": "prisma generate"

Note: He ends up adding this pretty much right after so I jumped the gun a bit.

Kinde authMiddleware not working [10:04:06]

So as soon as I set up this authMiddleware I could no longer access my dashboard while logged in, just got redirected to the homepage over and over again. After checking the Kinde docs I found that they've updated this quite a bit.



import { authMiddleware } from "@kinde-oss/kinde-auth-nextjs/server";

export const config = {
  matcher: ["/dashboard/:path*", "/auth-callback"],

export default authMiddleware;


import { withAuth } from "@kinde-oss/kinde-auth-nextjs/middleware";
export default function middleware(req) {
  return withAuth(req);
export const config = {
  matcher: ["/dashboard/:path*", "/auth-callback"],

constructMetadata() themeColor error [10:50:08]

This threw an error when I deployed to Vercel.

⚠ Unsupported metadata themeColor is configured in metadata export in /. Please move it to viewport export instead.
Read more:

The fix was to move themeColor to it's own function, generateViewport(), and then also export that and impot it into layout.tsx


export function constructMetadata({}: // ...
  // ...
} = {}): Metadata {
  return {
    // ... remove themeColor from here ...

export function generateViewport() {
  return {
    themeColor: "#FFF", // place it here


// ... other imports ...
import { cn, constructMetadata, generateViewport } from '@/lib/utils'

export const metadata = constructMetadata()
export const viewport = generateViewport();

export default function RootLayout({
}: {
  children: React.ReactNode
}) {
  return (
    // ...

"Manage Subscription" button on billing page wasn't working

Was getting a status 500 every time I tried to click that button [POST] /api/trpc/createStripeSession?batch=1&nxtPtrpc=createStripeSession status=500

Checked Stripe logs once I figured out where to navigate

⚠ invalid_request_error
You can’t create a portal session in test mode until you save your customer portal settings in test mode at

Going to that URL and simply pressing save fixed things.