Minor Release: Version 1.2.0 of CAMPS
Version 1.2.0 March 5th, 2020
Minor release
Main Features:
- Removal of the CAMPS database. The database aided in fetching variables from an input file based on a limited amount of metadata, provided by the user. This functionality was easily replaced using the python package NetCDF4. This change significantly sped up runtime of
- By removing level from the dimensions of primary variables, CF-Convention rules are fully met for each driver script. The vertical level of a variable is instead accessed via a the metadata attribute verical_coord, which resolves to a variable that contains the vertical level of the variable.
- Removed the temporary class in This functionality was replaced with a simple dictionary.
- Removed O&M ontology from the software. SOSA has classes and properties that satisfy the CAMPS metadata ontology needs, and it is publically accessible, where O&M documentation exists behind a paywall.
- Removed the time classes ResultTime and ValidTime. These were unnecessary for representing our data. Additionally, ValidTime within the O&M ontology does not match the commonly accepted definition within atmospheric science.
- Cleaned up and and updated procedures.yaml and netcdf.yaml
- In order to be CF-Compliant, started encoding time bound variables as auxiliary coordinate variables to represent variables that occur over a period of time.
- Added more explicit documentation to control files
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed precip scaling factor error in
Known Issues:
- Spelling error in
- Lingering file_id global attributes within NetCDF files. File_id is no longer used in CAMPS.
- Deprecation warnings resulting from the conversion from python 2 to python 3.
Patch release. Version 1.0.2 of CAMPS
Main Features:
- Graphing module updates
- Minor bug fixes
Graphing module updates:
- The graphing module in camps/gui was not fully functional before. These changes make it possible to produce umerous plots from METAR_to_nc output and Mospred_driver output (for predictors).
- Made into a driver script and added it to to make it a console script so it can run outside of a ython interface.
Minor bug fix details:
- Fixed issue in with result time during 00Z-01Z hour.
- Fixed a couple issues regarding get_source module. More to come with this.
- Small spelling error in
- Change in netcdf.yaml to support NAM data