Welcome to Twitter Blurb Generator workshop. In this workshop you will be learning about the hottest technologies on frontend application development as well as having lots of fun with new AI capabilities. This is not a rocket science or a difficult workshop by any means, it's just aimed at inspiring you in bringing the power of AI into your application development. If you have a product idea and don't know where to get started or if you are super excited about new AI technologies but don't know how you can integrate it into your product idea, this workshop is perfect for you. Otherwise if you are very technical and have done a lot of experience in frontend development, this workshop might not be a good fit and you could spend your time elsewhere more efficiently.
This workshop contains 5 different modules. Following all the steps from module 1 to 4 should be enough to up skill you with frontend technologies and inspire you on how to create your own startup idea in one day. Module 5 is a complementary module that takes you into more details on how to create your own AI model and tune it to your specifications.
Before you begin this workshop, you will have to make sure you have the following software installed:
- Git
- Visual Studio Code - https://code.visualstudio.com/
- Node version 16.8 and above, if you have an older version of node installed you can use NVM to install a different version and switch between them easily - https://nodejs.org/ NVM installation and usage
Are you ready to get started?
How to build a hello world application on NextJS and deploy it using Vercel -> Get started
How to connect your frontend application to OpenAI APIs and passing custom prompts -> Get started
Enabling Plagiarism checker -> Get started
Setting up Twitter Authentication and open graph preview -> Get started