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Module 3

In this module we learn how to check your blurb for plagiarism using the CopyLeaks API, Firebase Realtime Database and Webhooks.

Plagiarism Flow

The flow for a plagiarism check is as follows:

  1. The frontend calls our Next.js plagiarismCheck API with some text to be checked. A scanId is returned. We then listen to Firebase for any changes on the node scan/[scanId].
  2. This text is then passed to an online plagiarism detection tool(CopyLeaks).
  3. Once the plagiarism check has completed it sends high level details of the results to our pages/api/copy-leaks/completed/[scanId] Webhook. It can take up to two minutes before we receive these results.
  4. When we receive the high level results in our pages/api/copy-leaks/completed/[scanId] Webhook. We do the following:
  • We write the scan results to Firebase. Once our listener, mentioned in step 1, gets notified of this change we then calculate the plagiarism score based off this data.
  • We find the source within the results which has the highest amount of suspected plagiarism and pass it to the plagiarism detection tool exportResults API.
  1. The plagiarism detection tool(CopyLeaks) exportResults API gives us further information about a particular source such as which words in our text it thinks were plagiarised. Once the plagiarism detection tool has finished exporting the results of a source it sends the low level details of the results to our pages/api/copy-leaks/export/[scanId]/[resultId] Webhook. It can take up to a minute before we receive these results.
  2. When we receive the results in our pages/api/copy-leaks/export/[scanId]/[resultId] Webhook. We do the following:
  • We write the results to Firebase.
  • Once our listener, mentioned in step 1, gets notified of this change we highlight which words in our blurb were plagiarised based off this data.


3.1 Plagiarism UI
3.2 Verify UI with Dummy Values
3.3 Webhooks
3.4 Writing a Firebase Library
3.5 Validate Webhooks in the UI Using Firebase
3.6 Next.js Plagiarism Check API
3.7 Hookup API to Frontend

3.1 Plagiarism UI

Firstly, let's start creating the UI to show our plagiarism results.


Ensure you are running pnpm dev before solving the next tasks.

3.1.1 Plagiarism Progress Bar

Step 1: Before we add the progress bar, we have to add a new component called CenterBox that allows you to keep your elements in the middle.


Under your components folder create a new file called centerBox.tsx and copy the code below into it.

import { SxProps } from "@mui/material";
import Box from "@mui/material/Box";
import * as React from "react";

export default function CenterBox({
}: {
  children: React.ReactNode;
  sx?: SxProps;
}) {
  return (
        top: 0,
        left: 0,
        bottom: 0,
        right: 0,
        position: "absolute",
        display: "flex",
        alignItems: "center",
        justifyContent: "center",,

Step 2: Now let's add another component for our progress bar. Write a component called loading.tsx in the components folder. You will need MUI's CircularProgress component for this

  1. In the components folder, add a file named loading.tsx
    1. This will return muis CircularProgress component.
    2. Underneath this component add the text Analysing Plagiarism
import { Box, CircularProgress } from "@mui/material";

export default function Loading() {
  return (
          height: "100%",
          display: "flex",
          justifyContent: "center",
          flexDirection: "column",
        <CircularProgress size="4em" />
      <Box paddingTop="0.5em" textAlign="center">
        Analysing Plagiarism

It should look like this:


Step 3: In the components folder, add a new component named score.tsx

  1. This function will take a value number variable and a label string variable as parameters.
  2. Use Mui's CircularProgress component with the determinate variant with the value property set to value.
  3. Underneath this component add the text in label
import * as React from "react";

import CircularProgress, {
} from "@mui/material/CircularProgress";

import Box from "@mui/material/Box";
import CenterBox from "./centerBox";
import Typography from "@mui/material/Typography";

export default function Score(
  props: CircularProgressProps & { value: number; label: string }
) {
  return (
        display: "flex",
        flexDirection: "column",
        alignItems: "center",
      <Box width="100%" display="inline-flex" position="relative">
          <Typography variant="caption" component="div" color="text.secondary">

It should look like this:


Step 4: In the components folder, add a file named plagiarism.tsx

  1. This function will take a loading boolean variable and a score number variable as parameters.
  2. If loading is true we will show our Loading component.
  3. If loading is false we will show our Score component.
import { Box } from "@mui/material";
import Loading from "./loading";
import Score from "./score";

interface Props {
  loading: boolean;
  score?: number;

export default function Plagiarism({ loading, score }: Props) {
  return (
        display: "flex",
        height: "100%",
        alignItems: "center",
        flexDirection: "column",
        justifyContent: "center",
      {loading ? (
        <Loading />
      ) : (
        typeof score === "number" && (
          <Score value={score} label={`${Math.round(score)}%`} />

Step 5: In blurb.tsx component

  1. Add a boolean state variable named plagiarismLoading with the default value of false.
  2. Add a number state variable named plagiarisedScore with the default value of 0.
  3. At the bottom of the HTML Stack add the Plagiarism component with the loading property having the value plagiarismLoading and the score property having the value plagiarisedScore.

Your blurb.tsx should look like this:

import { Card, CardContent, Stack } from "@mui/material";
import Plagiarism from "./plagiarism";
import { useState } from "react";

interface Props {
  generatingPost: string;

export default function Blurb({ generatingPost }: Props) {
  const [plagiarismLoading, setPlagiarismLoading] = useState<boolean>(false);
  const [plagiarisedScore, setPlagiarisedScore] = useState<number>(0);
  return (
      <Stack direction="row" spacing="1em">
        <Card sx={{ width: "37em" }}>
          className="bg-white rounded-xl shadow-md p-4 border"
          <Plagiarism loading={plagiarismLoading} score={plagiarisedScore} />

3.1.2 Add Plagiarism Score Column Name

In index.tsx, add the heading Plagiarism Score above the plagiarism score components.


Your index.tsx should look like this:

      {generatingPosts && (
          <Stack direction="row-reverse" width="100%">
            <Typography width="12em" textAlign="center">
              Plagiarism Score
            .substring(generatingPosts.indexOf("1.") + 3)
            .map((generatingPost, index) => {
              return (
                <Blurb key={index} generatingPost={generatingPost}></Blurb>

Your final component should look like this:


3.2 Verify UI with Dummy Values

Before we write our APIs, lets use some dummy objects to validate our changes. This will allow us to avoid using time consuming APIs and provide us with quicker feedback. Let's assume for now that our database already has results. We will work backwards starting from step 6 in our flow mentioned at the top of this page.

3.2.1 Check For Plagiarism When Blurb Has Finished Generating

We should only check for plagiarism once all the blurbs have finished generating.

Create a boolean state variable in index.tsx that tracks if all the blurbs have finished generating. Then pass this value as a prop to the Blurb component.

+ const [blurbsFinishedGenerating, setBlurbsFinishedGenerating] = useState<boolean>(false);

  const generateBlurb = useCallback(async () => {
+  setBlurbsFinishedGenerating(false);

+  setBlurbsFinishedGenerating(true);

+  blurbsFinishedGenerating={blurbsFinishedGenerating}

Now let's update your Blurb component in Blurb.tsx to also reflect the new prop.

interface Props {
  generatingPost: string;
  blurbsFinishedGenerating: boolean;

export function Blurb({ generatingPost, blurbsFinishedGenerating }: Props) {

3.2.2 Handle Scan Results

Now connect our frontend to display the results from some dummy backend response. To do that:

  • Download the zip folder from dummy-data
  • Unzip the folder
  • Copy the folder into your ./utils folder

Write a function in blurb.tsx that uses the dummy results file to calculate the percentage of the blurb which was plagiarised.

  1. In blurb.tsx create a function called handleScan which takes a text string variable as a parameter and a scan object parameter.

  2. Calculate the total number of words in our blurb by doing a string.split() on our blurb and finding the length of this array.

  3. Get the total number of matchedWords from our scan.

  4. Set the plagiarisedScore to be (matchedWords/totalWords) * 100 .

    const [plagiarismLoading, setPlagiarismLoading] = useState<boolean>(false);
    const [plagiarisedScore, setPlagiarisedScore] = useState<number>(0);
    function handleScan(text: string, scan: any) {
      const totalBlurbWords = text.split(" ").length;
      const matchedWords = scan.matchedWords;
      setPlagiarisedScore((matchedWords / totalBlurbWords) * 100);
  5. In checkPlagiarism set plagiarismLoading to be true.

  6. In checkPlagiarism assign a variable called scan to have the value of our dummy object.

  7. In checkPlagiarism call handleScan and set plagiarismLoading to be false.

    import dummyScanResults from "../../utils/dummy-data/dummyScanResults.json";
      const checkPlagiarism = async (streamedBlurb: string) => {
        const scan = dummyScanResults;
        handleScan(streamedBlurb, scan);
      function handleScan(text: string, scan: any) {

3.2.3 Using useEffect to Call checkPlagiarism

Next step we would like to store the final blurb value after it has finished streaming. To do this we are using react useEffect which essentially only effect the block of code inside the useEffect when its dependent state has been updated.

As we can only check for plagiarism once all the blurbs have finished generating. You should use useEffect to call our checkPlagiarism function while having blurbsFinishedGenerating as a dependency.


Inside components/blurb.tsx add below snippet after your handleScan function.

  useEffect(() => {
    if (blurbsFinishedGenerating) {
  }, [blurbsFinishedGenerating]);

As this runs pretty quickly we don't actually get to see our loading spinner. Let's put a timeout for 5 seconds in our checkPlagiarism function to force our loading spinner to show. Your function should look like this:

const checkPlagiarism = async (streamedBlurb: string) => {
  await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 5000));
  const scan = dummyScanResults;
  handleScan(streamedBlurb, scan);

Test your app, it should look like this:


Now that we tested that the loading spinner works. We can remove the timeout.

3.2.4 Handle Detailed Results

Let's extend your handleScan function to handle detailed results. Copy and paste this function into blurb.tsx. This should highlight the text in the blurb which has been plagiarised.

import { Card, CardContent, Stack, Box } from "@mui/material";
function getHighlightedHTMLBlurb(
  text: string,
  characterStarts: number[],
  characterLengths: number[]
) {
  let characterStartsIndex = 0;
  let highlightedHTMLBlurb = "";
  for (let i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
    if (i == characterStarts[characterStartsIndex]) {
      const segmentStart = characterStarts[characterStartsIndex];
      const segmentEnd =
        characterStarts[characterStartsIndex] +

      highlightedHTMLBlurb += `<mark style="background:#FF9890">${text.substring(

      i = segmentEnd - 1;
      characterStartsIndex = characterStartsIndex + 1;
    } else {
      highlightedHTMLBlurb += text[i];
  return <Box dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: highlightedHTMLBlurb }}></Box>;

You can check the Copy Leaks documentation for more information about how to handle detailed results of plagiarism checker.

This is what it should look like:


Now extend your handleScan function to use the getHighlightedHTMLBlurb function.

  1. Create a state variable called highlightedHTMLBlurb of type JSX.Element

    const [highlightedHTMLBlurb, setHighlightedHTMLBlurb] =
  2. Replace your handleScan function with below code

    function handleScan(text: string, scan: any) {
      const totalBlurbWords = text.split(" ").length;
      const matchedWords = scan.matchedWords;
      setPlagiarisedScore((matchedWords / totalBlurbWords) * 100);
      const characterStarts = scan.results.identical.source.chars.starts;
      const characterLengths = scan.results.identical.source.chars.lengths;
      const highlightedHTMLBlurb = getHighlightedHTMLBlurb(
  3. Change the useEffect hook to to set the highlightedHTMLBlurb to be the a HTML element with the finished Blurb as it's content

    useEffect(() => {
      if (blurbsFinishedGenerating) {
    }, [blurbsFinishedGenerating]);
  4. Change the HTML to show the new highlightedHTMLBlurb instead or the generatingPost only when blurbsFinishedGenerating is true.

      <Stack direction="row" spacing="1em">
        <Card sx={{ width: "37em" }}>
    -     <CardContent>{generatingPost}</CardContent>
    +     <CardContent>
    +        {!blurbsFinishedGenerating ? generatingPost : highlightedHTMLBlurb}
    +     </CardContent>
          className="bg-white rounded-xl shadow-md p-4 border"
          <Plagiarism loading={plagiarismLoading} score={plagiarismScore} />

3.3 Webhooks

In order to receive the results of scans and exports from the Copy Leaks servers we need to create two webhooks. These webhooks will then write their data to our Firebase database. Before we setup our Webhooks, let's create a Firebase Realtime Database.

Firebase Realtime Database is a cloud-hosted NoSQL database provided by Google as part of the Firebase platform. It is a real-time, scalable database solution designed to store and synchronize data across multiple clients in real-time. This database will only be used to store the results from a CopyLeaks plagiarism check and then notify the front end that results have been returned.

Although our plagiarism call is not realtime, Copy Leaks API will send the response to a webhook. The webhook will then sends the response to the Firebase database and Firebase is connected to our UI to update the frontend as soon as any new data is available in the db. The main aim of this module is to show you how to connect your frontend with a realtime database and display the latest data in your application as soon as new data becomes available.

For more information on Firebase check their documentation here.

3.3.1 Creating a Firebase Realtime Database

  1. Go to
  2. Sign in with a Google account
  3. Click on Create Project
  4. Enter a project name - this can be anything like latency-blurb-workshop
  5. Accept the terms and conditions and click Continue
  6. Do not enable Google Analytics and click Create Project
  7. Click continue
  8. On the left navigation bar, select the Build accordion and the click on Realtime Database
  9. Click Create Database
  10. Select Singapore as your database location. Click Next
  11. Select Start in Test mode. Click Enable
  12. Copy your database URL which will be something like depending on what you named your project in step 4.
  13. Add your database URL to .env.local for the variable NEXT_PUBLIC_FIREBASE_REALTIME_DATABASE_URL

Tasks Create an Export Webhook

As we are working backwards through the workflow lets first write the export Webhook, mentioned in step 5. The export webhook is called by CopyLeaks with which words in our blurb have been plagiarised.

In Next.js, dynamic routes allow you to create pages with dynamic content based on the values in the URL. For example, if you create a file named [id].js inside the pages directory, it will match any route that has a dynamic segment in the URL.

In our case we want a dynamic route for the scanId and the exportId as this will be constantly changing for each scan that we do.

  1. Create a dynamic route Edge function named [exportId].ts in pages/api/copy-leaks/export/[scanId]/ which receives the results of an export and returns a response with {message: "Result exported successfully"}. This should also write the results to the database using the Firebase PUT API under the node scans/<scanId>/results.json. We only need the object in text.comparison.
    More information:
  1. Create a file named [exportId].ts in pages/api/copy-leaks/export/[scanId]/.
  2. Create a handler which takes a req parameter.
  3. Get the scan ID from the req.url.searchParams parameter.
  4. Write the result details to the database.
  5. Return the {message: "Result exported successfully"} as a response.
import { NextRequest, NextResponse } from "next/server";

export const config = {
  runtime: "edge",
  regions: ["syd1"],

export default async function handler(req: NextRequest) {
  const params = new URL(req.url).searchParams;
  const scanId = params.get("scanId");
  const body = await req.json();

  try {
    await fetch(
        method: "PUT",
        body: JSON.stringify(body.text.comparison),
  } catch (e) {
    console.error("Error writing to Firebase database", e);
    throw e;

  return NextResponse.json({ message: "Result exported successfully" });
} Create a Scan Webhook

Now let's write the scan Webhook, mentioned in step 4. The scan webhook is called by CopyLeaks with the number of words in our blurb which have been plagiarised.

  1. Create a dynamic route Edge function named [scanId].ts in pages/api/copy-leaks/completed which receives the results of a scan and returns a response with {message: "Scan Completed"}. This should also write the scan to the database using the Firebase PUT API under the node scans/<scanId>.json.

More information:


This webhook receives the scanned results from multiple sources, we then pickup a source with highest plagiarism found and write the number of words into firebase

  1. Create a file named [scanId].ts in pages/api/copy-leaks/completed.
  2. Copy below code into your webhook
import { NextRequest, NextResponse } from "next/server";

export const config = {
  runtime: "edge",
  regions: ["syd1"],

type SourceResult = {
  resultId: string;
  matchedWords: number;

function getHighestSourceResult(
  completedScanWebhookResponse: any
): SourceResult {
  let matchedWords = 0;
  let resultId = "";
  if (completedScanWebhookResponse.results.internet.length > 0) {
    const sortedResults = completedScanWebhookResponse.results.internet.sort(
      (a: SourceResult, b: SourceResult) => a.matchedWords - b.matchedWords
    const highestResult = sortedResults[0];
    resultId =;
    matchedWords = highestResult.matchedWords;

  return {
    matchedWords: matchedWords,

export default async function handler(req: NextRequest) {
  const body = await req.json();
  const scanId = body.scannedDocument.scanId;
  const matchedWords = getHighestSourceResult(body);

  try {
    await fetch(
        method: "PUT",
        body: JSON.stringify({ matchedWords: matchedWords }),
  } catch (e) {
    console.error("Error writing to Firebase Database", e);
    throw e;

  return NextResponse.json({ message: "Scan complete" });

3.4 Writing a Firebase Library

Before we can test our Webhooks in the frontend we first need to write a Firebase class. The Firebase class that we will be writing will be a wrapper around the Firebase SDK which we will use in the frontend to listen to events on the database.


Step1: Install the Firebase SDK Package

  1. In your terminal run pnpm i firebase

Step2: Create an empty FirebaseWrapper class

  1. Create a lib folder in the root directory
  2. In your lib folder create a class named firebaseWrapper.tsx in a sub-folder named firebase.
  3. In firebaseWrapper.tsx add the following code:
export class FirebaseWrapper {}

Step3: Write a Get Database Function

Write a function called getInstance that will return an instance of your database -

  1. Create a public function called getInstance.
  2. Add a firebaseConfig object which has databaseURL as a key and a value of your Firebase URL. In, we set the environment variable NEXT_PUBLIC_FIREBASE_REALTIME_DATABASE_URL to be our database URL. With this in mind the value of our Firebase URL will be ${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_FIREBASE_REALTIME_DATABASE_URL}
  3. Initialise the Firebase app instance with const app = initializeApp(firebaseConfig)
  4. Get the database instance from the app instance.

Your firebaseWrapper.tsx should now look like this:

import { Database, getDatabase, ref } from "firebase/database";
import { initializeApp } from "firebase/app";

export class FirebaseWrapper {
  public getInstance(): Database {
    const firebaseConfig = {
    const app = initializeApp(firebaseConfig);
    const database = getDatabase(app);

    return database;

Step4: Convert the FirebaseWrapper Class to Return a Singleton Instance

Imagine a scenario where we have to get 3 items from our database in the frontend. With our current implementation, every time we initialise the class in the frontend we would have to initialise a new connection to the database as well. This would mean that we would have to initialise a connection to our database 3 times, this can be time-consuming and is considered bad practice.


A singleton is a design pattern that restricts the number of instantiations of a class to one for the lifetime of the application. In this case every time we call the instance we would always be returned the same instance which in turn means we would not have any overheads in establishing multiple connections to the database. More information:

Change firebaseWrapper.tsx as below to make your database a Singleton instance.

import { Database, getDatabase, ref } from "firebase/database";

import { initializeApp } from "firebase/app";

export class FirebaseWrapper {
+  private database?: Database;

  private getInstance(): Database {
    if (!this.database) {
      const firebaseConfig = {
        databaseURL: `${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_FIREBASE_REALTIME_DATABASE_URL}`,
      const app = initializeApp(firebaseConfig);
-      const database = getDatabase(app);
+      this.database = getDatabase(app);

-    return database;
+    return this.database;

We should also write a helper function to get a reference to the node in the database with a particular scan ID. Copy and paste the function below.

Your FirebaseWrapper.tsx should now look like this:

export class FirebaseWrapper {
  private database?: Database;

  public getScanReference(scanId: string) {
    return ref(this.getInstance(), `scans/${scanId}`);


3.5 Validate Webhooks in the UI Using Firebase

Now that our Webhooks can write data to Firebase we can test their responses in the frontend. To do this we can manually call the Webhooks from the frontend, while we use Firebase to listen for events on the scans/[scanId] node. Ensure to use this scanId f1d0db14-c4d2-487d-9615-5a1b8ef6f4c2 and this 7e514eabb3


3.5.1 Manually call the Scan and Export Webook

The dummy data for this task can be found in /utils/dummy-data/dummyCompletedExportResultsWebhookResponse.json and /utils/dummy-data/dummyCompletedScanWebhookResponse.json. You should have already downloaded those previously.

  1. In blurb.tsx in checkPlagiarism make a manual API call to the scan webhook with a fake request body.
  2. In blurb.tsx in checkPlagiarism make a manual API call to the export webhook with a fake request body.
  import dummyCompletedExportResultsWebhookResponse from "@/utils/dummy-data/dummyCompletedExportResultsWebhookResponse.json";
  import dummyCompletedScanWebhookResponse from "@/utils/dummy-data/dummyCompletedScanWebhookResponse.json";


  const checkPlagiarism = async (streamedBlurb: string) => {
    const scan = dummyScanResults;
    const completedScanWebhookResponse = await fetch(
        method: "POST",
        headers: {
          "Content-Type": "application/json",
        body: JSON.stringify(dummyCompletedScanWebhookResponse),

    const completedExportResultsWebhookResponse = await fetch(
        method: "POST",
        headers: {
          "Content-Type": "application/json",
        body: JSON.stringify(dummyCompletedExportResultsWebhookResponse),
    handleScan(streamedBlurb, scan);

3.5.2 Listening to Firebase Events

Now that we can send scan results and export results to the database via Webhook lets listen to Firebase for when the results are returned.

Using the Firebase SDK listen for scan results on a specific node based on scanId. Use Firebases onValue function. Remember to use the scanId f1d0db14-c4d2-487d-9615-5a1b8ef6f4c2.
More information:

  1. After we get our scanId from our scan API but before we set the plagiarismLoading to be false in useEffect, instantiate a FirebaseWrapper.
  2. Get a scanRef by calling FirebaseWrapper.getScanReference(scanId).
  3. Use Firebases onValue function to listen for events on our scanRef.
  4. If the scanRecord does not exist, do nothing. This means that CopyLeaks has not returned the results as yet.
  5. Remove the setPlagiarismLoading(false) line. This will now be handled by the handleScan function.
  6. Call our handleScan function with the scanRecord.val() as a parameter.
  import { FirebaseWrapper } from "../../lib/firebase/firebaseWrapper";
  import { onValue } from "firebase/database";
  const checkPlagiarism = async (streamedBlurb: string) => {

    const scanId = "f1d0db14-c4d2-487d-9615-5a1b8ef6f4c2";
    const completedScanWebhookResponse = await fetch(
        method: "POST",
        headers: {
          "Content-Type": "application/json",
        body: JSON.stringify(dummyCompletedScanWebhookResponse),

    const completedExportResultsWebhookResponse = await fetch(
        method: "POST",
        headers: {
          "Content-Type": "application/json",
        body: JSON.stringify(dummyCompletedExportResultsWebhookResponse),

    const firebase = new FirebaseWrapper();
    const scanRef = firebase.getScanReference(scanId);
    onValue(scanRef, async (scanRecord: any) => {
      // Only continue if a <scanId> node is present in Firebase
      if (scanRecord.exists()) {
        const scan = scanRecord.val();
        handleScan(streamedBlurb, scan);
  1. Change our handleScan function to take a scan as a parameter.
    1. Remove the setPlagiarismLoading(false) line from the checkPlagiarism function.
    2. Add a check to see og there are 0 matchedWords if this is the case none of our blurb will be highlighted.
    3. Add a check above the assignment of the characterStarts variable to check if scan.results exists. This is because a scan will return before scan.results is in the database as we are only writing the scan.results node once we have the scan information and the time between these calls will be close to 40 seconds. See our api/copy-leaks/completed/[scanId].ts for more information.
    4. Add the setPlagiarismLoading(false) line after we receive the results from Firebase.
function handleScan(text: string, scan) {
  const totalBlurbWords = text.split(" ").length;
  const matchedWords = scan.matchedWords;
  setPlagiarisedScore((matchedWords / totalBlurbWords) * 100);
  if (matchedWords == 0) {
  } else if (scan.results) {
    const characterStarts = scan.results.identical.source.chars.starts;
    const characterLengths = scan.results.identical.source.chars.lengths;
    const highlightedHTMLBlurb = getHighlightedHTMLBlurb(

You can now test your application and see the dummy results being returned by the Firebase database.

3.6 Next.js Plagiarism Check API

In order to call the the CopyLeaks scan function we need to create an API. Before we write our API we first need to write a library that can call the CopyLeaks API. Copyleaks is an online plagiarism detection and content verification platform. It utilizes advanced algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI) technology to compare submitted content against a vast database of sources, including web pages, academic journals, publications, and more.

It is important to note that as this is a free account we are only entitled to 25 plagiarism checks. If you run out of credits you will have to go through this process again but with a different email address. Credits will only be used when you use the deployed version of your app. Credits will not be used in local development, in local development CopyLeaks will run in sandbox mode, this means that a valid response will be returned but the response results will contain mocked data.

3.6.1 Setting Up a Copy Leaks API

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Login
  3. Click on Sign Up
  4. Enter an email and password
  5. Verify your email address - check your junk folder for the code
  6. Enter in your details - this can be anything◊
  7. Go to
  8. In the API Access Credentials Tile click on Generate for one of the keys
  9. Copy this key into the COPY_LEAKS_API_KEY variable in .env.local
  10. Add the email address you used to sign up with to COPY_LEAKS_EMAILvariable in.env.local

3.6.2 Writing a CopyLeaks Library

Since that we have tested our webhooks and firebase interactions using dummy responses from Copy Leaks apis, we shall now replace the dummy responses with actual api calls.


Step1: Install the CopyLeaks SDK package

  1. Install the CopyLeaks SDK Package -
  2. Install the uuid package to generate Ids -
  3. Install the types/uuid package -
  1. In your terminal run pnpm i plagiarism-checker
  2. In your terminal run pnpm i uuid
  3. In your terminal run pnpm i --save-dev @types/uuid

Step2: Download copyLeaksWrapper.ts file from here and place it into your lib/copy-leaks/ folder.

Step3: Create a Plagiarism Check API

  1. Create an Edge function named plagiarismCheck.ts which calls our CopyLeaksWrapper.scan function the the text to be scanned. More information:
  2. Deploy your API

Important: When CopyLeaks.scan is called, this request returns an HTTP Code of 201. This function does not return the results directly, instead when the results are ready, CopyLeaks sends a response to one of our APIs via webhook. The webhook will only be called on a deployed public website. ie. Having localhost as the webhook domain will not work as localhost will not have a publicly accessible IP.

  1. Create a file named plagiarismCheck.ts in pages/api.
  2. Create a handler which takes a req parameter.
  3. Instantiate the CopyLeaksWrapper.
  4. Get the text to be scanned from the req parameter.
  5. Call the CopyLeaks.scan method with the text.
  6. Return the scanId.
  7. Push your code to main to deploy your API.
import { CopyLeaksWrapper } from "@/lib/copy-leaks/copyLeaksWrapper";
import { NextRequest, NextResponse } from "next/server";

export const config = {
  runtime: "edge",
  regions: ["syd1"],

type ScanRequest = {
  text: string;

export default async function handler(req: NextRequest) {
  const copyLeaks = new CopyLeaksWrapper();
  const body = (await req.json()) as ScanRequest;
  const scanId = await copyLeaks.scan(body.text);
  return NextResponse.json({ scanId });

Step4: Calling the Export Function from the Scan Webhook

Once the scan Webhook receives a result we want to immediately call the CopyLeaksWrapper function getDetailedResults in order to get more details on the source with the highest number of matched words. This is step in our workflow.

Edit your scan webhook to call the CopyLeaksWrapper.getDetailedResults function with the scanId and resultId on the source with the highest number of matched words.

  1. Instantiate the CopyLeaksWrapper.
  2. Call CopyLeaksWrapper.getDetailedResults with the scanId and resultId.
import { CopyLeaksWrapper } from "@/lib/copy-leaks/copyLeaksWrapper";
export default async function handler(req: NextRequest) {
  const body = await req.json();
  const scanId = body.scannedDocument.scanId;
  const { resultId, matchedWords } = getHighestSourceResult(body);
  if (matchedWords != 0) {
    const copyLeaks = new CopyLeaksWrapper();
    await copyLeaks.getDetailedResults(scanId, resultId);
  try {
    await fetch(
        method: "PUT",
        body: JSON.stringify({ matchedWords: matchedWords }),
  } catch (e) {
    console.error("Error writing to Firebase Database", e);
    throw e;

  return NextResponse.json({ message: "Scan complete" });

Step5: Push your code to main to deploy your API. Your code has to be deployed before we can test out Copy Leaks Apis.

3.7 Hookup API to Frontend

Now that we know the UI works with dummy values, lets use real world values. Important: From this point on your application must be deployed in order for the plagiarism check to work

3.7.1 Calling the Scan API

  1. In blurb.tsx, remove the direct calls to the scan and the export Webhooks.
  2. Write a useEfffect function call to our scan API.
  1. Remove the direct calls to the scan and the export Webhooks.
  2. Append the useEfffect function to watch for when a blurb is set and finishedStreaming is true. When this is true call the checkPlagiarism function.
  3. Create a checkPlagiarism function which takes the text as a parameter.
    1. Set plagiarismLoading to be true.
    2. Call our scan API with our text. Get the scanId from this response.
    3. Set plagiarismLoading to be false.
type ScanResponse = {
  scanId: string;
  const checkPlagiarism = async (streamedBlurb: string) => {

    // Send blurb to be scanned for plagiarism
    const scanResponse = await fetch("/api/plagiarismCheck", {
      method: "POST",
      headers: {
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
      body: JSON.stringify({
        text: streamedBlurb,

    const scanId = ((await scanResponse.json()) as ScanResponse).scanId;
    const firebase = new FirebaseWrapper();
    const scanRef = firebase.getScanReference(scanId);
    onValue(scanRef, async (scanRecord: any) => {
      // Only continue if a <scanId> node is present in Firebase
      if (scanRecord.exists()) {
        const scan = scanRecord.val();
        handleScan(streamedBlurb, scan);

Finally, push your code to deploy your app and test your blurbs with real plagiarism check. Important: Once we deploy, we are no longer in sandbox mode, the response from CopyLeaks may take up to two minutes so you may see the loading spinner for a long time.

If a response hasn't come back after two minutes, check to see if you have enough credits. Remember we are checking 3 blurbs at once so we will use 3 credits every time we generate blurbs. If you run out of credits you will have to create a new Copy Leaks account with a different email address as outlined in step 3.6.1

Congratulations you have now completed module 3 and ready to move on to the fourth module. If you have any issues finishing off module 3, you can download the app from Module3- Final Demo and move on to the next module.

Module4 Tweeting your Blurb -> Get started