This is a library for some of the sampling-based motion planning algorithms implemented in MATLAB. Currently the following methods are available: rapidly-exploring random tree (RRT), rapidly-exploring random graph (RRG), asymptotically optimal RRT (RRT*). The incrementally-exploring information gathering (IIG) which is built on the rapidly-exploring information gathering (RIG) technique.
- Initialize the library
>> init
- IIG (RIG with an information-based convergence metric): The information functions estimate the mutual information, the available methods are mutual information
, mutual information upper bound'miub'
, Gaussian process variance reduction'gpvr'
, and Gaussian process variance reduction with uncertain input'ugpvr'
. For more details please see the IIG paper:
Ghaffari Jadidi, M., Valls Miro, J. and Dissanayake, G. (2019) ‘Sampling-based incremental information gathering with applications to robotic exploration and environmental monitoring’, The International Journal of Robotics Research, 38(6), pp. 658–685. doi: 10.1177/0278364919844575.
For example, we can run IIG using 'ugpvr'
information function as follows:
>> out = iig_planner('gpvr')
The 'ugpvr'
uses covUI
function which is a wrapper for integration over covariance functions with uncertain input and it can be used as a meta-covariance function in conjunction with any covariance function available in GPML.
Generally, 'mi'
is suitable when taking expectation over future measurements is possible. It requires direct integrations over a probabilistic measurement model. The 'gpvr'
and 'ugpvr'
are preferred for environmental monitoring tasks.
>> out = rrt_planner()
>> out = rrg_planner()
- RRT*
>> out = rrtstar_planner()
The implementations depend on the MATLAB built-in kd-tree objects.
It is possible to make the planners kinodynamic by modifying the steer.m function.
title={Sampling-based incremental information gathering with applications to robotic exploration and environmental monitoring},
author={Ghaffari Jadidi, Maani and Valls Miro, Jaime and Dissanayake, Gamini},
journal={The International Journal of Robotics Research},
doi = {10.1177/0278364919844575}