Releases: LeonMarcel-HD/Colorful-TeamSpeak
Releases · LeonMarcel-HD/Colorful-TeamSpeak
- Added support for multi-chuck scrollbar
- Fixed checkbox inconsistencies
- Fixed drag and drop of sub-channels
- Fixed chat bubbles tagging background color
- Fixed activity triangle position
- Added support for reply
- Added support for edit
- Added support for beta70
- Changed chat bubble background color for better readability
- Changed size of bold font
- Fixed multiselect inconsistencies
- Fixed color of border for attachments
- Fixed chat input border
- Adjusted overall color scheme ||
Dark Variant
- Adjusted checkbox background color ||
Dark Variant
- Adjusted toggle background color ||
Dark Variant
- Adjusted number selection background color ||
Dark Variant
- Adjusted identifier background color ||
Dark Variant
- Added dark theme variant
- Added light theme variant
- Added discover communities support
- Fixed read marker status inconsistencies
- Fixed channel commander in compact server tree
- Fixed drag and drop color inconsistencies
- Fixed header gradients
- New Global Chat Room:
- Added Support for Multi Select
- Cleaned up code
- Changed Hex patterns
- Fixed Light Mode incompatibility
- Fixed Thumbnail miss matches
- Fixed Server triangle not connected with the scroll bar
- Fixed Recent server event list colors
- Adjusted Colors ||
Dark Red -- Red (second Color) -- Dark Orange (second Color) -- Orange (second Color)
- Adjusted the width of the scroll bar to improve the tangibility
- Removed Slider gradients to prevent inconsistencies -> Will maybe changed back soon™️
- Added 5 new Colors ||
Dark Green -- Dark Orange -- Dark Red -- Gray -- Purple
- Redesign of Thumbnails
- Adjusted 4 Colors ||
TeamSpeak -- Cyan -- Red -- Green
v1.0.0 - Release