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Luiz Wendt edited this page Aug 3, 2020 · 10 revisions

This is a repo for a bunch of utility scripts for unity! Some of them were made by me (@lawendt), but others were developed by others and properly credit!

Asset List

ScriptableObject Drawer

Extend the scriptableObject to show a create button when there is no scriptable object referenced. Add the ScriptableObjectAttribute that displays the fields of a ScriptableObject in the inspector.

Original developed by @tomkail and available here

Show If Property

Property to only show field if the given conditions are meet. Conditions can be:

  • if inputed field is true
  • if inputed field is equal to input value
  • if inputed method returns true

Fade Manager & Extended Renderer

Adds fades functions to Text, Images, SpriteRenderer, Materials and AudioSource. Uses an Fade Manager to manage the fade.

Extended Parse

Adds some new parses functions to string.

Extended Editor

Adds a function that draws the script propriety.

Manager Back Actions

Manage actions on a stack that can be used on undos.

Featured Color Controller

Interface to control a pallete with shades.

Easy Buttons

Show button in the inspector.

Original available @


Signals implementation for a pub/sub message system.

Original available @


Singleton pattern implemented using unique game objects. Many modifications were made from the original script (available here).

Scene History Widget

Supports going backwards and forwards through your recent scene history, as well as a dropdown of all recently edited scenes. Also supports the back/forwards buttons on your mouse! Doesn't support multi-scene editing very well, though.

Developed by @jringrose

Original avaiable @

Inspector Read Only

Use this InspectorReadOnly attribute for public fields that you want to easily inspect in the editor without allowing modifications. InspectorReadOnlyDrawer needs to be inside an Editor folder.

Developed by @jringrose

Original avaiable @


AutoFind attribute: automatically find the best component, will search in children if asked nicely, cycle through all found components.

Developed by @sandwich_cool

Original avaiable @

Highlight Atribute

Highligh an atribute on the inspector

Developed by LotteMakesStuff.

Original available @

Group Under Parent

Adds a ctrl + shift + g command that groups the selected game objects inside a empty game object Developed by Daniel Mullins.

Original available @

Reference finder

Reference finder - Finds prefabs that reference an object in unity To use, stick this under a folder named "Editor", then right click an object/script in the project window and click "Find References"

Developed by Dave Lloyd

Original available @

Custom Inspector Creator

Editor extension that adds a tool to automagically generate boilerplate custom inspector code

Developed by @LotteMakesStuff

Original available @


Edit Prefab

Unity editor script for better editing of prefabs.

Developed by ulrikdamm.

Original available @