This project is based on Leon Gatys's paper "A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style".
full code base explanation is available here.
for running this project in your local machine you need follow 5 steps:
clone this repository in any folder of system by running this:-
git clone https://github.com/Justsubh01/StyleTransfer.git
Make new virtual environment by running this:-
python3 -m venv name_of_environment
And then activate the environment by:-
source name_of_environment/bin/activate
(this step is recommended not required, because it is good practice to isolate all project resources from each other)
Install all required packages by running this :-
pip install -r requirements.txt
(Make sure you are in project dir StyleTransfer
And the last step is to run the
file by :-python main.py
The last step is to go to your browser and search