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carlosb6 edited this page Apr 14, 2018 · 58 revisions

1. Introduction

1.1 Goal

This project is for the Azrieli JCE Software Engineering course, The goal is to develop an application that gives new students and/or visitors the ability to easily navigate through the college campus and recognize the services provided by the college.

1.2 Scope

In this project 5 Software Engineering students develop a web application that allows users to navigate through the college campus, the application will support 3 different languages, Arabic English and Hebrew. We address the problem that foreign students studying at Azrieli struggle to find the services they need for their college life, mainly because of the language barrier and also not being familiar with the college campus offices/services.

In response to the request of dynamic addition and modification of the map, it was decided not to support this feature, if there was extra time we will look into it.

1.3 Glossary

JCE: Jerusalem College of Engineering.
Web Application: an application that runs on a website.
Navigate to location: Be given a map and a route to follow in order to reach a specific location.
GUI: Graphical User Interface.

1.4 Overview

Use Cases: This section holds the main use case diagram with all the use cases, the 2 main use cases are explained in details.
User Stories: This section holds a table of all the user stories and a small description for each story.
Requirements: This section holds the requirements of the application.
GUI Prototype: This section holds a prototype of what the GUI screens looks like.

2. Use Cases

2.1 Actor & Stakeholder Table

actor description
visitor anyone who wishes to use the program at college
google maps database provides the map and Navigation service
location database provides available destinations with description
Stakeholder description
college the customer, provides the maps and a link at college website
programmers provides the web app

2.2 Main Use-case Diagram

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Navigate to destination use case details:

Navigate to destination
Primary Actor: Visitor
Purpose: Give visitor instructions to reach his destination.
Level: Between visitor and Google maps database.
Stakeholders: Visitor and Google Maps Database.
Description: The Visitor can navigate to his selected destination on the map.
Triggers: Visitor picks location and selects Navigate
Pre-conditions: Visitor picked a location to navigate to, either from the menu or from the search
Post-conditions: Route is shown on the map
Basic flow: User opens application, chooses language, opens location menu, chooses location to navigate to.
Alternative flow: User opens application, chooses language, opens search screen, search for location and navigates.

Choose Language use case details:

Choose language
Primary Actor: Visitor
Purpose: Allow Visitor to change application language.
Level: Between Visitor and application
Stakeholders: Visitor
Description: Visitor chooses the desired language while using the program, the language will be saved for each visitor.
Triggers: User selects the desired language
Post conditions: Language of the program is changed to the desired language.
Preconditions: User has application open.
Basic flow: User opens application, chooses an option to change the language, sees all the available languages, chooses the language that is desired, and confirms the chosen language, application saves chosen language.
Alternative flow: There is no Alternative flow.

3.User Stories

User story Story Details
US1 get directions as a visitor for the college i need find directions to my destination
US2 get office list as a visitor i need to know what are the offices in the college
US3 get office information as a visitor i need to to know what can be done in each office
US4 get college map as a visitor i want to be able to see the map of the college

4. Other / Non-functioanl Requirements

Environmental Requirements

  1. the user needs to be inside the college borders in order to use the program.
  2. the user needs to open the program manually, link to program is found on college website.

Hardware Requirements

  1. a smartphone with web viewing abilities, active internet connection, and a working GPS system.
  2. a sufficient storage space on the phone.

Additional Requirements

  1. access to Google Indoor API.
  2. college's floor plan and permission to use it.
  3. a link to the program needs to be added to the college's website.

Programming Requirements

  1. a comfortable user's interface

5. User Interface Prototype

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  • pictures for demonstration, final product may be different.

HTML Prototype

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