Six5go2 - 6502 Emulator and Disassembler in Golang (c) 2022 Zayn Otley
USAGE - ./six5go2 target_filename hex_entry_point dis/mon hex
EXAMPLE - ./six5go2 AllSuiteA.bin 4000 mon
EXAMPLE - ./six5go2 AllSuiteA.bin 4000 dis
EXAMPLE - ./six5go2 AllSuiteA.bin 4000 dis hex
Choose Disassembler or Machine Monitor at command line with dis or mon parameter.
Specify hex as optional parameter with the disassembler to have opcodes as comments in the source output.
To build the project:
git clone
cd six5go2
go build -ldflags="-s -w" .
To run the disassembler on the AllSuiteA 6502 opcode test suite:
./six5go2 AllSuiteA.bin 4000 dis
To run the disassembler with hex opcodes as comments:
./six5go2 AllSuiteA.bin 4000 dis hex
To run the machine monitor:
./six5go2 AllSuiteA.bin 4000 mon