ERL Jackal2 3D lidar filter. Filter the raw OS1-32 lidar data of robo-body/antennas.
- This package was already installed in ERL Jackal 2 robot under the work space "catkin_ws".
cd catkin_ws
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch erl_jackal2_filter points_filter.launch
OR integrate the launch content with your own launch file.
<node pkg="erl_jackal2_filter" type="erl_jackal2_filter" name="jackal2_filter_node" output="screen">
<param name="input_cloud_topic_name" value="/ouster/points" />
<param name="output_cloud_topic_name_in_roboframe" value="/jackal2_filtered/points" />
<param name="output_cloud_topic_name_in_worldframe" value="/jackal2_filtered/points_in_map" />
<param name="world_frame_id" value="map" />
<param name="lidar_frame_id" value="os_sensor" />
<param name="x_filter_min" value=" -0.8" />
<param name="x_filter_max" value=" 0.0" />
<param name="y_filter_min" value=" -0.3" />
<param name="y_filter_max" value=" 0.3" />
<param name="z_filter_min" value=" -0.05" />
<param name="z_filter_max" value=" 0.05" />
x_filter_min/max: the minimum/maximum range of x axis you want to filter out.
y_filter_min/max: the minimum/maximum range of y axis you want to filter out.
These two parameters will work as a filter box with:
- length: x_filter_max - x_filter_min
- width : y_filter_max - y_filter_min
- height: maximum lidar z range
z_filter_min/max: an extra ground filter, set as 0.00 to keep the lidar ground points.
- The pointcloud before the filter:
- The pointcloud after the filter: