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coloursofnoise edited this page Jan 12, 2023 · 3 revisions

The TextMenu is a UI element that displays a scrolling list of items on the screen. Examples in Celeste can be found on the Options screen, Pause screen, and more.



TextMenu is the class that defines the container for all items, as well as holding all the vanilla item classes.
Items can be added to a menu using Add(TextMenu.Item item), or inserted and removed using the respective methods.

If TextMenu.AutoScroll is enabled (on by default), the items in the textmenu will automatically move to keep the selected item on screen.
Changing TextMenu.InnerContent will set whether items are displayed centered or aligned to the left. Note that some items will set InnerContent to Two Columns (aligned left) because they make use of both columns.

To change the selection of the textmenu in code, TextMenu.Selection can be set to the index of the desired item (which can be retrieved using IndexOf(TextMenu.Item item)).
If the menu contains at least one selectable item, FirstSelection() will set the selection to the first one.


TextMenu.Item is an abstract parent class for all TextMenu items.
It exposes some methods to add Actions that are executed when an event happens.


   ()=> Logger.Log("ItemTest", "Item is the current selection")
   ()=>Logger.Log("ItemTest", "Item is no longer the current selection")
   ()=>Logger.Log("ItemTest", "MenuConfirm pressed on item")
   ()=>Logger.Log("ItemTest", "MenuJournal pressed on item")

These methods can be chained for ease of use.

Although it does not extend the Entity class, it makes use of similar methods such as Render and Update.


A labelled button that can execute an action when pressed.

menu.Add(new TextMenu.Button("ButtonLabel").Pressed(()=>Logger.Log("BtnText", "Button was pressed")));


A large text header.

menu.Add(new TextMenu.Header("Title"));


A small text subheader.

menu.Add(new TextMenu.SubHeader("SubTitle"));


A generic class for creating a multi-option selector where <T> is the type of the the underlying value.
Option.Add(string label, T value, bool selected = false) can be used to add values to the selector, where label is the option that is displayed, value is the underlying value, and selected determines whether this option should start selected.

Option.Change(Action<T> action) can be used to set the action that is executed when the selected value is changed.


A subclass of Option<bool> for an On/Off selector.


A subclass of Option<int> for a range selector, takes a function of int to string for its values, along with a min and max value.


A static class that contains any items and extensions added by Everest.


A more configurable Button, with an optional icon.

menu.Add(new TextMenuExt.Button("Label", "icon/path/here"));


A more configurable SubHeader, with an optional icon.


A SubHeader that can be "eased" in and out of view by toggling FadeVisible.


A large image.


A Range selector for integer values only, but able to handle much larger ranges.
⚠️ This class extends TextMenu.Item not TextMenu.Option<T>


Creates an expandable submenu that contains other TextMenu.Items.
Setting enterOnSelect to true will cause the menu to automatically expand when it is selected.

new TextMenuExt.SubMenu(string label, bool enterOnSelect);

It includes methods to add, insert, and remove items from the submenu:

//Create an item
TextMenu.Button button = new TextMenu.Button("Press Me!");
//Append the item to the end of the submenu
//Remove the item from the submenu
//Insert the item to the beginning of the submenu
submenu.Insert(0, button);

Which can be chained for ease of use:

menu.Add(new TextMenuExt.SubMenu("SubMenu", false).Add(
      new TextMenu.Button("Press Me!")
      new TextMenu.OnOff("OnOffItem", true)
      new TextMenuExt.IntSlider("These are cool too!", 0, 1)


Creates a list of Submenus that can be swapped between similarly to a Slider.

new TextMenuExt.OptionSubMenu(string label);

Submenus can be added by supplying a label, and a list of items

//Create a list of items
List<TextMenu.Item> items{
   new TextMenu.Button("Button"),
   new TextMenu.OnOff("OnOff")
submenu.Add("Menu1", items);

Which can be chained for ease of use:

menu.Add(new TextMenuExt.OptionSubMenu("OptionSubMenu").Add(
      "Option0", null
      "Option1", new List<TextMenu.Item>
         new TextMenu.Button("Menu1Item0")
      "Option2", new List<TextMenu.Item>
         new TextMenu.Button("Menu2Item0"),
         new TextMenu.OnOff("Menu2Item1", true)
      "Option3", new List<TextMenu.Item>
         new TextMenu.Button("Menu3Item0"),
         new TextMenu.OnOff("Menu3Item1", true),
         new TextMenuExt.IntSlider("Menu3Item2", 0, 1),

⚠️ This class extends TextMenu.Item not TextMenuExt.SubMenu

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