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Character Dialogues

Maddie edited this page Jan 3, 2024 · 8 revisions

Character Dialogue in Celeste is contained within the Sfxs bank, under the path event:/char/dialogue/. Each dialogue has two parameters:

  • dialogue_portrait, which ranges from 0-12, and
  • dialogue_end, 0-1, which applies a low-pass filter for a more muted sound.

Characters with mirror_ prefixes are the regular dialogue with echo and reverb applied.

For questions or feedback, contact @coloursofnoise on the Celeste Discord 🔗



path: madeline or madeline_mirror
actual range: 1-11

  1. normal
  2. distracted
  3. sad
  4. deadpan
  5. determined, determinedclosed
  6. surprised
  7. upset
  8. angry
  9. panic
  10. sadder
  11. peaceful


path: theo or theo_mirror
actual range: 1-8

  1. excited
  2. nailedit
  3. normal
  4. serious
  5. thinking
  6. worried
  7. wtf
  8. yolo


path: badeline
actual range: 1-11

  1. angry
  2. freakA, freakB, freakC, freakC_cont, freakBAlt, freakCAlt
  3. normal
  4. sad
  5. scoff
  6. Serious, serious_alt
  7. upset
  8. Worried, worriedAlt
  9. yell
  10. concerned
  11. angryAlt


path: granny
actual range: 1-3

  1. normal
  2. laugh
  3. mock


path: oshiro
actual range: 1-9

  1. drama
  2. lostcontrol
  3. nervous
  4. normal
  5. serious
  6. sidehappy
  7. sidesuspicious
  8. sideworried
  9. worried



path: mom
actual range: 1-2

  1. normal
  2. concerned


path: ex

  1. normal

Secret Character

path: secret_character
The secret character does not have dialogue_end or dialogue_portrait parameters.

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