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Releases: EuropeanRoverChallenge/ERC-Remote-Navigation-Sim


01 Sep 14:14
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Added Marsyard 2022 Gazebo world

Added pose offset to /ground_truth topic

The /ground_truth topic now contains pose of the robot in the coordinate frame described in the Environment Update document (starting position in <0,0,0>) instead of pose in the gazebo world.

Add a workaround to issue related to simulated ZED2 odometry

The simulated ZED2 odometry has an issue upon start due to race condition that results in the odometry messages containing initial position and huge covariance values. As a workaround, the odometry will now be automatically reset after 10 seconds from the start.


26 Aug 17:52
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Added Marsyard 2021 Gazebo world


06 Aug 10:18
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Improved driving physics

Updated landmark models

Updated default RViz configuration

Added PSU joystick control

Added small Gaussian noise to simulated IMU data

Disabled verbose output from rgbd_odometry node


21 May 12:56
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Added PDU simulation

The Leo Rover ERC2021 edition includes the Probe Deployment Unit which was described in the Platform Setup Freeze document. Probes (up to 5) can be dropped by publishing an empty message on the probe_deployment_unit/drop topic and the current number of dropped probes is published on latched probe_deployment_unit/probes_dropped topic.
The simulation now imitates these features. Whenever a probe is to be dropped, the probe model is spawned in the Gazebo world behind the robot. To despawn the probes, call the probe_deployment_unit/home service (Don't use it on the real robot during the competition though).


14 May 18:21
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The initial release of the Navigation Task Simulation for the ERC2021 Remote Competition.


Now using Git Submodules to pull external repositories

This repository now links specific versions of external repositories with ROS packages using Git Submodules. To avoid any conflicts with the previous packages, we recommend cloning the repository again and following the new instructions from README.

New packages

To avoid confusion about packages for the stock Leo Rover and the ERC-edition one, we decided to create separate packages for Leo Rover ERC-edition. These packages are mostly similar to the counterparts from the stock Rover, but have names with leo_erc_ prefix instead of simply leo_. The leo_erc_ packages sometimes use resources from the newest leo_ packages available in the ROS distributions, so make sure your system is up-to-date.

Updated the ERC payload models

The URDF model of the robot has been updated with the ERC2021 edition of the payload for Leo Rover.

Added artificial landmarks to the terrain

The simulation environment now includes models of the artificial landmarks with ARTags, similar to the ones that will be present on the real terrain.

Added simulated visual odometry from ZED2 camera

Visual odometry is now computed from the simulated ZED2 camera to replicate the zed2/odom topic from zed-ros-wrapper node that will be run on the real robot.

Added wheel odometry pose estimates

The newest version of leo_firmware added 2D pose estimates from wheel encoders published on the wheel_pose topic and resettable through core2/reset_odometry service. We replicated this feature in the simulation.

Added Ground Truth position information

An information about the actual position of the robot in the simulation environment is now published on the ground_truth topic. It has been added to help validate the performance of localization systems, but it won't be included on the real robot (for obvious reasons).


14 May 15:00
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This is the final version of the simulation that was developed for the ERC2020 competition.