An introductory course to FPGA development
This is the commands you need to synth and program the FPGA on Linux:
Synthesize: yosys -p "read_verilog -sv <project_name>.sv; synth_ice40 -blif <projeck_name>.blif"
route and place: arachne-pnr -d 1k -p <project_name>_board-constraints.pcf -P vq100 -o <project_name>.txt <project_name>.blif
convert to bin: icepack <project_name>.txt <project_name>.bin
flash: iceprog <project_name>.bin
This is the commands you need to synth and program the FPGA on Windows:
synthesize: yosys -p "synth_ice40 -top " -o top.json .sv
route and place: nextpnr-ice40 --json top.json --pcf AND_board-constraints.pcf --asc top.asc --hx1k --package vq100
convert to bin: icepack top.asc top.bin
flash: iceprog top.bin