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Multilingual sites spec

Jamie Norrish edited this page Aug 28, 2017 · 2 revisions

Kiln currently provides a sample map:match in main.xmap to show how multilingual sites may work (in terms of URL structure and pipeline processing). For EFES, this approach will be used, and extended so that every EFES site, multilingual or monolingual, uses the same pipelines and URL structure.

URL Structure

Every public EFES URL will be of the form /<language code>/**. The admin and Cocoon internal pipelines will not follow this pattern. For monolingual sites that presumably would prefer simply /**, it will be documented that URL and link rewriting be handled by a web server proxying through to EFES (eg, using Apache HTTPD's mod_proxy and mod_proxy_html). URLs in the local development environment will appear with the language code.

Template/XSLT Text content translation

EFES will make use of Cocoon's I18n Transformer to handle providing content in appropriate languages, for that content that is part of a template or XSLT (and not from a TEI or EpiDoc document).

Authority List Names

Authority lists must supply language markup for the terms they use, as the query of the RDF to fetch an appropriate term will use the URL's language code in the query.