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Images implementation

Jamie Norrish edited this page Nov 28, 2017 · 1 revision

Images referenced in EpiDoc documents are supported through the EpiDoc XSLT, in htm-teifacsimile.xsl. It handles local and remote images. For local images (no explicit protocol in the url attribute), it generates a reference to a thumbnail image linking to the full image. For JPEG images, these thumbnails are automatically generated by the main.xmap#local-images-jpeg-thumbnail match. For other image formats, the thumbnails will have to be generated via some other method and the files put into the appropriate place in content/images.

The automatically generated thumbnails can be customised in terms of the scaling to a width or height by modifying the mentioned map:match.

To override the rendering of images from EpiDoc, add appropriate templates to stylesheets/epidoc/start-edition.xsl or files imported by that. Some of the EpiDoc XSLT reach the images through applying templates to tei:facsimile, while others directly reference tei:graphic elements.