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Egg classes moved
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Igor Sazhnev committed Aug 9, 2012
1 parent 56a76ad commit 6558e4b
Showing 1 changed file with 347 additions and 0 deletions.
347 changes: 347 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from utils import *
from euclid import Quaternion

#supported poser texture modes
class TextureMode:

# Class for egg presentation of Poser material
class EggMaterial:
def __init__(self, poser_material):
self.poser_material = poser_material = egg_safe_same(poser_material.Name())

textures = [self._check_texture(poser_material.TextureMapFileName(), '_texture', TextureMode.MODULATE),
self._check_texture(poser_material.BumpMapFileName(), '_bump', TextureMode.NORMAL),
self._check_texture(poser_material.TransparencyMapFileName(), '_transparency', TextureMode.ALPHA)]
self.textures = filter(None, textures)

def _check_texture(self, textureName, egg_texture_name, egg_texture_mode):
texture = EggTexture(textureName, + egg_texture_name, egg_texture_mode)
return texture.check_texture()

def write(self):
lines = ["<Material> %s {\n" %]
lines += " <Scalar> diffr {%f} <Scalar> diffg {%f} <Scalar> diffb {%f}\n" % (self.poser_material.DiffuseColor())
sr, sg, sb = self.poser_material.SpecularColor()
lines += " <Scalar> specr {%f} <Scalar> specg {%f} <Scalar> specb {%f}\n" % (sr * 0.2, sg * 0.2, sb * 0.2)
lines += " <Scalar> shininess { 25 }"
lines += "\n}\n"
return lines

def __str__(self):
return + ",".join(self.textures)

# Class for egg presentation of Poser material textures
class EggTexture:
EMPTY_TEXTURE = poser.ContentRootLocation().replace("\\", '/').replace(":", "")

def __init__(self, filename, texture_name, texture_mode):
self.texture_mode = texture_mode
self.filename = None
if filename is not None:
self.filename = filename.replace("\\", '/').replace(":", "") = egg_safe_same(texture_name)

def check_texture(self):
if self.filename != EggTexture.EMPTY_TEXTURE and self.filename is not None:
if self.filename not in EggTexture.ALL_TEXTURES:
EggTexture.ALL_TEXTURES[self.filename] = self
return EggTexture.ALL_TEXTURES[self.filename].name
return None

def write(self):
lines = ["<Texture> %s {\n \"%s\" \n" % (, self.filename)]
# poser transparency textures are separate file and exported as pure alpha in egg
if self.texture_mode == TextureMode.ALPHA:
lines += " <Scalar> format { alpha }\n"
lines += " <Scalar> envtype { %s }" % TextureMode.MODULATE
lines += " <Scalar> envtype { %s }" % self.texture_mode
lines += " <Scalar> wrap { %s }" % 'REPEAT'
lines += "\n}\n"
return lines

class EggObject:
empty_texture = poser.ContentRootLocation()

def __init__(self, figure):
self.options = {"morph": self.BAKE_MORPHS, "textures": True}
self.figure = figure
self.figure_name = fix_name(figure.Name())

def export(self):
# get geometry from poser
uniGeometry, self.uniActorList, self.uniActorVertexInfoList = self.figure.UnimeshInfo()
# collect materials/textures
self.materials, self.textures = self.collect_materials(self.figure)
# collect vertices
self.vertices, self.polygons, self.poser2egg = self.collect_vertices(self.uniActorList)
# collect joints
self.joints = self.collect_joints(self.figure.ParentActor(), 1)
# write egg content
return self.write()

def write(self):
lines = []
lines += "<CoordinateSystem> { Y-Up-Right }\n"
lines += write_comment('poser2egg - ' + self.figure_name, 0)
# write materials and textures
print 'Writing Materials ...'
lines + self.write_materials()
# write rig
print 'Writing Rig ...'
lines += "<Group> %s {\n <Dart> { 1 }\n" % (self.figure_name, )
# write joints
lines += self.write_joints(self.joints)
# write vertex pool
print 'Writing vertices ...'
lines += self.write_vertex_pool()
# write polygons
print 'Writing Polygons ...'
lines += self.write_polygons()
lines += '} // End Group: %s \n' % (self.figure_name, )
return lines

def collect_joints(self, actor, level):
if not actor.IsBodyPart() or actor.Name() == 'BodyMorphs':
actorName = fix_name(actor.Name())
print indent_string('processing %s' % actorName, level)
#origin = actor.Origin()
#parentOrigin = actor.Parent().Origin()
if actor.Name() == self.figure.ParentActor().Name():
#matrix = get_matrix(origin)
matrix = actor.WorldMatrix() # get_matrix(origin)
#matrix = get_matrix(vec_subtract(origin, parentOrigin))
matrix = actor.LocalMatrix()
vertex_refs = []
if actor.Geometry():
vertex_refs = self.poser2egg[self.get_actor_index(actor)]
child_joints = []
for child in actor.Children():
child_joint = self.collect_joints(child, level + 1)
if child_joint is not None:
child_joints += child_joint
return [(actorName, matrix, child_joints, vertex_refs, actor)]

def write_joints(self, joint, indent=1):
lines = []
for (joint_name, joint_matrix, child_joints, vertex_refs, actor) in joint:
#print joint_name
lines += indent_string(' <Joint> %s {\n' % joint_name, indent)
lines += write_transform(joint_matrix, indent + 1)

lines += indent_string('<VertexRef> {\n', indent + 1)
vx = [str(v) for v in vertex_refs]
lines.append(indent_string('%s\n' % (' '.join(vx)), indent + 2))
lines.append(indent_string('<Ref> { mesh }\n', indent + 2))
lines.append(indent_string('}\n', indent + 1))

lines += self.write_joints(child_joints, indent + 1)
lines += indent_string(' } // End joint %s \n' % joint_name, indent)

return lines

def get_actor_index(self, actor):
for i, a in enumerate(self.uniActorList):
if a.InternalName() == actor.InternalName():
return i
return None

def collect_materials(self, figure):
egg_materials = {}
for material in figure.Materials():
mat_name = material.Name()
if mat_name == 'Preview':
egg_materials[mat_name] = EggMaterial(material)
return egg_materials, EggTexture.ALL_TEXTURES

def write_materials(self):
lines = []
for material in self.materials.values():
lines += material.write()
if self.options["textures"] == True:
for texture in self.textures.values():
lines += texture.write()
return lines

def collect_vertices(self, uniActorList):
bake_morph = self.options["morph"] == self.BAKE_MORPHS
print 'Collecting vertices ...'
egg_vertices = []
egg_polygons = []
poser2egg = {}
self.egg_uvs = {}
# egg vertex index is different from poser
vertex_index = 0
for actor in uniActorList:
print actor.Name()
actor_index = self.get_actor_index(actor)
poser2egg[actor_index] = {}
# get actor geom data
geom = actor.Geometry()
# check morph options
if bake_morph:
all_params = actor.Parameters()
# get morph targets
#morphs = [p for p in all_params if not p.Name().startswith('EMPTY') and not p.Name().startswith('V4') and p.Name() != '-' and p.IsMorphTarget() and (abs(p.Value()-0.0) > 0.001) and p.Hidden() != 1]
morphs = [p for p in all_params if p.IsMorphTarget() and not p.Name().startswith('EMPTY') and p.Name() != '-' and not p.Name().startswith('V4') and (abs(p.Value() - 0.0) > 0.1)]
#morphs = [p for p in all_params if p.IsMorphTarget() and p.IsValueParameter() and (abs(p.Value() - 0.0) > 0.1)]
# poser vertices/texture data
vertices, tex_vertices, normals = geom.Vertices(), geom.TexVertices(), geom.Normals()
# poser polygon/texture data (index to start in sets/tex_sets + number of vertices)
polygons, tex_polygons = geom.Polygons(), geom.TexPolygons()
# poser sets/texture sets containing vertices id for vertices/tex_vertices arrays
sets, tex_sets = geom.Sets(), geom.TexSets()
# collect all geom data for current actor and present as egg group
group_name = fix_name(actor.Name())
group_polygons = []
for polygon_index, polygon in enumerate(polygons):
poly_start = vertex_index
start = polygon.Start()
# get tex_polygon and tex_set for current polygon
tex_polygon = tex_polygons[polygon_index]
tex_set = tex_sets[tex_polygon.Start(): tex_polygon.Start() + tex_polygon.NumTexVertices()]
# get all polygon vertices
for k, v in enumerate(sets[start: start + polygon.NumVertices()]):
vertex = vertices[v]
self.egg_uvs[start + k] = tex_vertices[tex_set[k]]
x, y, z = vertex.X(), vertex.Y(), vertex.Z()
if bake_morph:
for morph in morphs:
dx, dy, dz = morph.MorphTargetDelta(v)
x += dx * morph.Value()
y += dy * morph.Value()
z += dz * morph.Value()
egg_vertices.append((vertex_index, (x, y, z), normals[v], tex_vertices[tex_set[k]]))
poser2egg[actor_index][vertex_index] = vertex_index
# increment egg vertex index
vertex_index += 1
# add egg polygon data to group polygons (poser polygon + start/length in egg_vertices list)
group_polygons.append((polygon, poly_start, vertex_index - poly_start))
egg_polygons.append((group_name, group_polygons))
return egg_vertices, egg_polygons, poser2egg

def write_vertex_pool(self):
lines = []
lines += ' <VertexPool> mesh {\n'
for (i, v_tuple, n, t) in self.vertices:
lines.append(' <Vertex> %s { %f %f %f <Normal> { %f %f %f } <UV> { %f %f } }\n' %
(str(i), v_tuple[0], v_tuple[1], v_tuple[2],
n.X() != 'nan' or 0, n.Y() != 'nan' or 0, n.Z() != 'nan' or 0,
t.U(), t.V()))

lines += ' } // End VertexPool: mesh\n'
print '* 100 %'
return lines

def write_polygons(self):
lines = []
for (group_name, group_polys) in self.polygons:
lines += "<Group> %s {\n" % (group_name, )
for (polygon, start_index, num_vertices) in group_polys:
refs = ' '.join([str(j) for j in range(start_index, start_index + num_vertices)])
if self.options["textures"] == True:
polygon_trefs = ' '.join(
"<TRef> {%s}" % texture_name for texture_name in self.materials[polygon.MaterialName()].textures)
polygon_trefs = ""
" <Polygon> {\n %s\n <MRef> { %s } \n <VertexRef> { %s <Ref> { mesh } } \n}\n" % (
polygon_trefs, polygon.MaterialName(), refs, ))
lines += "\n}\n"
print '* 100 %'
return lines

def collect_anims(self):
anims_data = {}
for frame in xrange(0, poser.Scene().NumFrames() - 1):
#for frame in xrange(0, 3):
self.collect_anims2(self.joints, anims_data)
return anims_data

def collect_anims2(self, joint, anims):
for (joint_name, joint_matrix, child_joints, vertex_refs, actor) in joint:
#print "anims for %s" % joint_name
#get bone displacement
displacement = actor.LocalDisplacement()
origin = actor.Origin()
parentOrigin = actor.Parent().Origin()
if actor.Name() == self.figure.ParentActor().Name():
parentOrigin = origin
displacement = vec_add(vec_subtract(origin, parentOrigin), displacement)
displacement = vec_subtract(origin, parentOrigin)
# get rotation
quat_tuple = actor.LocalQuaternion()
quat = Quaternion(quat_tuple[0], quat_tuple[1], quat_tuple[2], quat_tuple[3])
hpr = radians_to_degrees(quat.get_euler())
#store displacement/rotation in anims data
if joint_name not in anims:
anims[joint_name] = []
anims[joint_name].append((displacement, hpr))
self.collect_anims2(child_joints, anims)
return anims

def write_animation(self):
print 'Writing animation ...'
anims_data = self.collect_anims()
#print anims_data
lines = []
lines += '<Table> {\n'
lines += indent_string('<Bundle> %s {\n' % self.figure_name, 1)
lines += indent_string('<Table> "<skeleton>" {\n', 2)
lines += self.write_animation_table(self.joints, anims_data, 3)
lines += indent_string('}\n', 2)
lines += indent_string('}\n', 1)
lines += '}'

return lines

def write_animation_table(self, joint, anims_data, indent=1):
lines = []
for (joint_name, joint_matrix, child_joints, vertex_refs, actor) in joint:
#print joint_name
lines += indent_string('<Table> %s {\n' % joint_name, indent)
lines += indent_string('<Xfm$Anim> xform {\n', indent + 1)
lines += indent_string('<Scalar> order { sprht }\n', indent + 2)
lines += indent_string('<Scalar> contents { prhxyz }\n', indent + 2)
#lines += indent_string('<Scalar> contents { ijkprhxyz }\n', indent + 2)
lines += indent_string('<Scalar> fps { %u }\n' % 2, indent + 2)
lines += indent_string('<V> {\n', indent + 2)
for frame in xrange(0, poser.Scene().NumFrames() - 1):
displacement, hpr = anims_data[joint_name][frame]
#lines += indent_string("%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s\n" %
lines += indent_string("%s %s %s %s %s %s\n" %
hpr[2], hpr[1], hpr[0],
displacement[0], displacement[1], displacement[2]
indent + 3)
lines += indent_string('}\n', indent + 2)
lines += indent_string('}\n', indent + 1)
lines += self.write_animation_table(child_joints, anims_data, indent + 2)
lines += indent_string('} // End table %s \n' % joint_name, indent)

return lines

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