Exporter from Poser to Panda3d egg format.
Based on original code of user satori at Panda3d.org forum.
Run this script inside the Poser in the PoserPython via File/Run script
Exporting mesh
Only Poser Figures supported now Export vertices (normals + uv), polygons
Exporting textures and materials
Can export diffuse, bump map (bump maps are not panda3d normal maps and need conversion to work)
Texture files are not exported themself, you must make them available for panda3d via copying or egg postprocessing
Exporting Joints
Baking Poser morphs into mesh (experimental)
Resulting egg file usually need to be postprocessed by panda3d utils like egg-trans or egg-optchar
In order to some advanced panda3d features to work resulting egg must be postprocessed
egg-trans -nv 90 -tbnall in.egg -o out.egg will recalculate normals and tangent/binormals (poser files can have incorrect normals data; tangent/binormal required by panda3d normal mapping to work)