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CHRI Website CHRI Logo

This is the website of the CHRI Laboratory at the University of Melbourne.

We thank Allan lab for the template.

Steps to update the website

Option 1 (Recommeded): Edit on Github Directly

  1. Access the Repository: Go to the GitHub repository by visiting chri-lab's GitHub page.
  2. Navigate to the File: Find the file you want to update using the file explorer in the repository.
  3. Edit the File:
  • Click on the file to open it.
  • Click the pencil icon in the upper right corner of the file view to edit the file in the GitHub in-browser editor.
  1. Make Your Changes:
  • Modify the content in the editor as needed. If you are editing a Markdown file (.md), use Markdown syntax to format the text.
  • After making changes, you can preview them by switching to the "Preview changes" tab to ensure everything looks right.
  1. Commit Changes:
  • Scroll down to the "Commit changes" section below the editor.
  • Provide a brief description of what you changed in the "Commit changes" title box. Optionally, add more details in the description box.
  • Commit the changes directly to the main branch by selecting the option to commit directly, then click on "Commit changes".

Option 2: Download, upldate and push


  • Install Jekyll: Jekyll for Ubuntu, MacOS, Windows
  • bundler install
  • bundler exec jekyll build - Website will be built
  • bundler exec jekyll serve - Website will be served on localhost:4000


  • git clone
  • cd
  • git checkout -b main -> Branch containing the website source code.
  • Make changes only to the main branch and commit and push to main. A github workflow will build the pages and deploy them.

A note on bibliography entries

Our website uses jekyll/scholar. To have a publication show up on our pubs page, all you need to do is to add your bib entry to _bibliography/papers.bib. Then, when you commit and push your changed, github will automatically populate the pubs page.

When you add a bib entry, you can use the following fields that have special meaning:

  • abbr adds a badge to the publication. For example, abbr = {NSDI} will add an NSDI badge to the pub.
  • code is a link to a github repository containing code released associated with the paper. If this entry is present, then a "code" button appears under the paper's entry.
  • slides is similar to code.
  • video is similar to website and point to the link of the youtube video or website for a given paper.
  • setting bibtex_show to 1 will add a bib button, which, when clicked, will reveal the bib entry.
  • selected = {yes} will add your paper to Selected Recent Publications section in NSL homepage. Note: Only 5 papers can be added to this section. Currently, 5 papers in order from the top of _bibliography/papers.bib with selected = {yes} will appear.

Check _layouts/bib.html to see how the fields are configured.

Add/Update personal page

Create a new page

We have a sample one page template for personal webpage at _layouts/personal.html. Example page that follows the template is located at _pages/people/ You can make a copy of this page and update the contents from your old page.

Steps to update your personal page:

  • Create a page under _pages/people/ with your preferred name say Add/update the title, permalink and excerpt fields, while the other fields layout and sitemap should have values personal and false, respectively.
  • Create a copy of contents under _data/people/. Example contents are located at _data/people/john.yml. Note that the name of this file should be the same as the name of the page, e.g. should have foo.yml as its contents.
  • Jekyll uses liquid style for templating. You can use liquid tags to add/update the contents of the page as does.
  • Create a .bib file for publications under _bibliography/people/. An example .bib file is located at _bibliography/people/john.bib. If your bib file is named foo.bib, then update the code to generate the bibliography as {% bibliography -f people/foo%}. You should find the use of this command at the end of _pages/people/
  • Update the link to your page in _data/team.yml. For example, if your permalink is /people/foo/, then update the link to your page as current-students.<your_name> =
  • You can also add redirections to your personal page. This is very helpful when migrating from our old website to preserve same old url pointing to your new page. For example, if your personal page is /people/foo-bar/ and you want /people/foo/ and /people/bar/ should redirect to /people/foo-bar/, you can add redirect_from at the top of with the value /people/foo/ and /people/bar/. Check out redirections in _pages/people/

Add link to existing website

If you have your own website, you can provide the link in _data/team.yml file under current-students.<your_name>

Add/Update project page

We have created project pages for 2 current projects located at _pages/projects/. You can make a copy of these pages and update the contents for your projects. The project pages will have url as<project_name>/.


  • Wafa : Reach out via Slack or email for any questions, access, etc.