PR #10 - reformat the outputs structure
PR #11 - changes the parquet_files flag to reformat_tables flag. This flag now reformats the report tables into parquet files and csv files.
PR #12 - Restructure so that the readqc subworkflow only runs when the flag --read_qc
is set to true. Otherwise FastQC and MultiQC will not run.
PR #13 - creating and updating docker containers so that they contain no vulnerabilities.
PR #14 - updating scripts and logs to reflect new changes.
PR #16 - Continuing to update containers to containers with no vulnerabilities.
PR #17 - Updating Java versions in containers.
PR #18 - Merging all changes that allow MIRA-NF to run in both AWS-omics and on HPC's.
PR #19 - Altering workflows to skip the subsampling process if a values greater than 0 is not provide using the subsample_reads flag
PR #20 - Adding the ecr_registry parameter that allows a user to pass their ecr registry for AWS to the workflow.
Old parameter
New parameter
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