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How to use ImageLib

o5faruk edited this page May 2, 2021 · 38 revisions


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Image library is used to store and manipulate images on the BuildFire image server. This article goes through the steps for using Image Lib in your plugin.

There are 3 ways you can access your Image Library images:

  1. Directly. When an image is selected from the image lib you are given a url that allows you to access the image directly from the image server
  2. CDN. When you pass the image lib url to the buildfire.imagelib framework for resizing or cropping the framework redirects you to a cached version of the manipulated image for speed. However, this still requires an internet connection
  3. (DEPRECATED) Locally. When you pass the image lib url to the buildfire.imagelib.local framework for resizing or cropping. The buildfire.js then checks if the image is available locally. If so, it will then serve the image from the local file system for speed and offline more. If not found, then will revert back to the CDN.

The level of complexity of implementation increases from 1 to 3 how ever the performance increases with each step.

buildfire.imageLib.showDialog(options, callback);

This builtin dialog helps the user upload, reuse and manage his images. To open image Lib, you need to use buildfire.


  • options

    • showIcons {bool}: Specifies if you want to show the “icons” tab (Default: true)
    • showFiles {bool}: Specifies if you want to show the “my files” tab (Default: true)
    • multiSelection {bool}: allows the user to choose multiple icons and multiple files (Default: true)
  • callback it’s a callback function for the selected icons and files. the result will be in this format

    {selectedFiles:[url1,url2,...], selectedIcons:[icon1, icon2,...]}


	var options = { };
	var callback=function(error,result){
		//do your magic...

	buildfire.imageLib.showDialog(options, callback);



Image 1: Shows a button called “Open Image Lib,” this button will call the following code to show the image Library:

       buildfire.imageLib.showDialog({showIcons: false, multiSelection: false}, 
		function (error, result) {
                	if (result && result.selectedFiles && result.selectedFiles.length > 0) {
                    	$ = result.selectedFiles[0];

Image 1

Image 2: Once “Open ImageLib” is clicked, a pop up page will open to your “Media Gallery.” Here the user can select ( when you click on file it has a blue box around image or icon chosen), add (by clicking “import new files”) and delete files (once your cursor is above the file you can choose to delete). Once the app owner is done selecting a file, he will then click “insert selection.” Insert selection will then call the “callback function” and insert the file as seen in Image 1 shown in the textbox above.

Image 2


The following methods allow for resizing and cropping images. The available options are:


Two types of sizes are available, fixed and responsive. Responsive sizes will detect the screen width and provide the correct size. For example, half-width will calculate image width to fill half the screen, regardless of device size.

  • Fixed
    • xxs: 32px,
    • xs: 64px,
    • s: 128px,
    • m: 200px,
    • l: 304px,
    • xl: 416px,
    • xxl: 600px,
    • 720: 720px,
    • 1080: 1080px,
    • 1440: 1440px
  • Responsive:
    • full_width,
    • half_width,
    • third_width,
    • quarter_width,
    • fifth_width,
    • sixth_width


Aspect will calculate the image height based on the size passed.

  • '1:1',
  • '4:3',
  • '16:9',
  • '9:16',
  • '11:5',
  • '4:1',
  • '2.39:1',

IMPORTANT! aspect and size must be used together. Both are required!

buildfire.imageLib.resizeImage(url, options); (CDN mode)

Because users may upload large high resolution images to the image server, it may be necessary to resize the image before downloading it to the client to increase performance of your plugin. This method allows you to pass it the url of the image with options to resize it do download a smaller, properly sized image.


  • url this is a url of any standard image given from the image lib or any other accessible source
  • options
    • size string, required. Defines the width of the image. See above for available options.
    • aspect string, required. Calculates the height if the image based on the size selected. See above for available options.
    • disablePixelRation bool,optional default false, disables the multiplier of the screens pixel ration to account for things like retina display


returns a new url referencing the new resized image source


// Responsive half width image, 16:9 aspect ratio
var newUrl = buildfire.imageLib.resizeImage('', { size:'half-width', aspect: '16:9' });
// Fixed icon, square aspect ratio
var newUrl = buildfire.imageLib.resizeImage('', { size: 'xs', aspect:'1:1' });
// Responsive icon, square aspect ratio
var newUrl = buildfire.imageLib.resizeImage('', { size: 'sizth-width', aspect: '1:1' });

buildfire.imageLib.cropImage(url, options); (CDN mode)

Because users may upload large high resolution images to the image server, it may be necessary to crop the image before downloading it to the client to increase performance of your plugin. This method allows you to pass it the url of the image with options to crop it do download a smaller, properly sized image.


  • url this is a url of any standard image given from the image lib or any other accessible source
  • options
    • size string, required. Defines the width of the image. See above for available sizes.
    • aspect string, required. Calculates the height if the image based on the size selected. See above for available aspects.
    • disablePixelRation bool,optional default false, disables the multiplier of the screens pixel ration to account for things like retina display


returns a new url referencing the new cropped image source


// Responsive half width image, 16:9 aspect ratio
var newUrl = buildfire.imageLib.cropImage('', { size:'half-width', aspect: '16:9' });
// Fixed icon, square aspect ratio
var newUrl = buildfire.imageLib.cropImage('', { size: 'xs', aspect:'1:1' });
// Responsive icon, square aspect ratio
var newUrl = buildfire.imageLib.cropImage('', { size: 'sizth-width', aspect: '1:1' });

Additional options (DEPRICATED)

  • width int or 'full', optional. specifies the width to resize the image to. If 'full' will calculate 100% of device
  • height int or 'full', optional. specifies the height to resize the image to. If 'full' will calculate 100% of device

IMPORTANT! size and aspect will override these options.

Using the image cache

BuildFire's imageLib provides native caching to accelerate load times. Passing the element or callback parameter will enable the cache. The following methods support caching:

  • buildfire.imageLib.cropImage(url, options, element, callback)
  • buildfire.imageLib.resizeImage(url, options, element, callback)

In addition to the existing options, both methods accept an element and callback parameter.

  • element (OPTIONAL)
    • If an <img/> is passed, sets the src to the locally cached image.
    • If any other element is passed, sets the background-image to the locally cached image.
  • callback (OPTIONAL)
    • Returns the local path as a string

Note: Caching only applies on devices ===


buildfire.imageLib.local.resizeImage(url, options,callback); (local mode)

This option will attempt to fetch the file from the local device if not found it will default back to CDN mode. Because this is meant for use on a physical device. When on the web it will revert to CDN mode. If the file is not located on the device it will also revert back to CDN mode automatically.


  • url this is a url of any standard image given from the image lib or any other accessible source
  • options
    • width int or 'full',optional, specifies the width to resize the image to. If 'full' will calculate 100% of device
    • height int or 'full',optional, specifies the height to resize the image to. If 'full' will calculate 100% of device
    • disablePixelRation bool,optional default false, disables the multiplier of the screens pixel ration to account for things like retina display
    • callback: a function that is called with the resolved url that is called asynchronously. The standard parameter structure is (error,url)


When the callback function is called with a successful result it will return a local url or fall back to a CDN url. Either way may be used as any other image url would be


buildfire.imageLib.local.resizeImage('[imageurl]', {width:400}, function(err,imgUrl){
    document.getElementById('image1').src = imgUrl;


buildfire.imageLib.local.cropImage(url, options,callback); (local mode)

This option will attempt to fetch the file from the local device if not found it will default back to CDN mode. Because this is meant for use on a physical device. When on the web it will revert to CDN mode. If the file is not located on the device it will also revert back to CDN mode automatically.


  • url this is a url of any standard image given from the image lib or any other accessible source
  • options
    • width int or 'full',optional, specifies the width to resize the image to. If 'full' will calculate 100% of device
    • height int or 'full',optional, specifies the height to resize the image to. If 'full' will calculate 100% of device
    • disablePixelRation bool,optional default false, disables the multiplier of the screens pixel ration to account for things like retina display
    • callback: a function that is called with the resolved url that is called asynchronously. The standard parameter structure is (error,url)


When the callback function is called with a successful result it will return a local url or fall back to a CDN url. Either way may be used as any other image url would be


BuildFire uses smartCrop.js to intelligently crop the image locally. This is extremely useful. However requires you to import smartcrop.js from the SDK scripts folder

<script src='../../scripts/smartcop.js'></script>


buildfire.imageLib.local.cropImage('[imageurl]', {width:400}, function(err,imgUrl){
    document.getElementById('image1').src = imgUrl;


There is an example of how to use local images in the SDK repository:


Because the framework may adjust the width and height of the image based on pixel density it is always a good idea to constrain your image size with CSS and do not rely on the image size fitting perfectly

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