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willyoung366 edited this page Dec 7, 2024 · 35 revisions

Minesweeper (WIP but mostly done)

Minesweeeper is a puzzle where each cell is a mine, empty, unknown, or number. The goal of the puzzle is to determine if each unknown cell must contain a mine or be empty according to the rules.

The cycle of tiles is { Unset, Mine, Empty }. Left clicking on the tile will advance the cycle by one state (Unset -> Mine or Mine -> Empty or Empty -> Unset) and right clicking on a tile will detract the cycle by one state (Empty -> Mine or Mine -> Unset or Unset -> Empty).


  1. Each Unset cell must be changed to either Mine or Empty
  2. Each Number cell (cell with a number 1-8) must see that number of Mine cells. A cell sees its eight neighbors.
  3. Every Mine cell must see at least one Number cell.

LEGUP Proof Rules

Direct Rules

Finish With Mines


For at least one of the numbers that the an unset cell sees, the amount of unset tiles plus the number of mine tiles in the number cell's vision must be equal to its number for the cell to be a mine.

Finish with Empty


For at least one of the numbers that an unset cell sees, the amount of mines that the number sees must be equal to its number for the unset cell to be empty. It is also possible that the cell does not see any number cells, which also must mean it is empty.

Non Touching Shared Empty


Adjacent cells with numbers have the same difference in mine in their unshared regions as the difference in their numbers

Non Touching Shared Bomb


Adjacent cells with numbers have the same difference in mine in their unshared regions as the difference in their numbers

Case Rules

Mine Or Empty


An unknown cell must either contain a mine or be empty

Satisfy Number


Every possible way for the unknown cells around a number to be filled with a mine or empty according to its number

Contradiction Rules

Too Few Bombs


A number cell can not have less than it's number of mines around it

Too Many Bombs


A number cell can not have more than it's number of mines around it

isolate Mine


A mine cell must be able to see a number cell

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