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William Sedlacek edited this page Feb 6, 2020 · 9 revisions

Hook in React let you use state and other React features without writing a class.

useAPI A hook setup to use API calls. Automatically makes GET request. By default displays errors.

T - The type of data expected to be returned.

url - The URL to request the data from.

method - The REST method to use for the request, options include GET, POST, PUT and DELETE. Default GET

The return of this hook has 5 parts in an array:

  • response which is the most recently returned data.
  • loading a boolean which represents if a request is in a pending state.
  • request() a function that makes the request, any arguments passed in will be passed into the axios call.
  • error which is any errors that occurred with the request, this is reset if a new request is made without errors.
  • reset() a function that resets all errors and responses

useForm - A hook used to simplify the process of building forms

S - The state data interface for the form

initial - The initial state of the form

The return of this hook has four parts in an object:

  • state the current state of this form
  • handleBoolChange() a function intended to be used with a checkbox to update state on changes
  • handleStringChange() a function intended to be used with a input box to update state on changes
  • handleFileChange() a function intended to be used with a file input to update state on changes
  • handleSubmitBuilder() a function used to create handleSubmit


const { request } = useAPI("/some/data", "POST");
const { handleBoolChange, handleSubmitBuilder, state } = useForm({ enabled: true});
const handleSubmit = handleSubmitBuilder(request);
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
   <input type="checkbox" onChange={handleBoolChange("enabled")} value={state.enabled} />

useLocalStorage - A hook used to store data in Local Storage to so that it persist reloads

T - The type of data being stored

key - The key to use in Local Storage

initialValue - The initial value of the data if it is not found in Local Storage

The return of this hook has four parts in an object:

  • value the current value
  • setValue() set the current value
  • updateValue() refresh the current value from local storage
  • removeValue() remove the current value including in local storage

Note: This value will update automatically when other windows change the value, but manual updates must be done when changing within this application. See: