You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 6
Story Squad's components are grouped in sections, indexed, then further subdivided into component folders which contain a single component and its test file. cashed out look at all this Listed below is each section, as well as a brief overview of the components it contains.
Components that control the admin's interactions with the app
located at: src/app/components/admin-dashboard/accounts
- Adds administrator or moderator account.
located at: src/app/components/admin-dashboard/accounts/list
- Calls for a list of accounts
- renders them in a table for admin account management.
located at: src/app/components/admin-dashboard/cohort/list
- Fetches cohort data
- Renders it to a table row,
- Option to delete or edit the cohort.
located at: src/app/components/admin-dashboard/cohort/list
- Takes in cohort list items
- Renders them to a table.
located at: src/app/components/admin-dashboard/cohort/edit
- Takes in data from the selected table row
- Allows the admin to update the applicable cohort info.
located at: src/app/components/admin-dashboard/navigation
- Material UI drawer containing navigational links specific to the admin dashboard.
located at: src/app/components/admin-dashboard/pdf/create
- Takes in an uploaded PDF from the admin
- Converts it to a base64 string
- Sends it to the backend.
located at: src/app/components/admin-dashboard/pdf/list
- Retrieves pdf info from the backend
- Creates a table so that the admin can select a pdf to view.
Handles login and sign up functionality for site admins.
located at: src/app/components/admin-onboarding/sign-up
- Stores email/password in DB
- Sets and stores token
- Routes to admin dashboard
located at: src/app/components/admin-onboarding/sign-in
- Authenticates admin credentials and sets the token
- Routes to the admin dashboard.
Components that control creative content submissions and team pairing for child users.
located at: src/app/components/child-dashboard/creative-content-submission/drawing-form
- Allows child users to submit drawing portion of CCS submissions.
- Saves child's drawings to backend DB
- Routes child to kids-dash upon successful submission
located at: src/app/components/child-dashboard/creative-content-submission/form
- Allows the child user to upload images of their submission as well as enter text
- Sends input to the backend to either create or update the corresponding weekly entry
- Allows the child to delete their entry
located at: src/app/components/child-dashboard/creative-content-submission/list
- Creates a table for the current week's activities
- Links to the relevant prompt and the entry form
located at: src/app/components/child-dashboard/creative-content-submission/story-form
- Allows child users to submit story portion of CCS submissions.
- Saves child's story to backend DB
- Routes child to kids-dash upon successful submission
located at: src/app/components/child-dashboard/kid-progress
- Checks the child's progress on each of the current weekly tasks
- Returns appropriate links for the child
- Renders a dynamic progress button
- Renders dynamic checkboxes based on child's progress
located at: src/app/components/child-dashboard/team-join
- Renders page for student to see teammate paired up with for first round of scoring and continue to point allocation page
located at: src/app/components/child-dashboard/welcome-card
- Renders a welcome message for the logged-in child user.
Component that controls the initial landing page for student upon login.
located at: src/app/components/child-home
- Renders child-home component
- Redirects child user to 'child-dashboard' upon 'accept the mission' click
Components used in multiple places throughout the app, rather than in a specific section.
located at: src/app/components/common/error-handler
- Detects errors
- When an error occurs, renders an alert with an appropriate message.
located at: src/app/components/common/materialize-input
- Takes in user input
- Returns that input styled via the site's theme
located at: src/app/components/common/private-route
Components for parent dashboard, including: adding a child, navigation, stripe.
- Components for adding a child account, subscription, and edit child preferences
located at: src/app/components/dashboard/child/card
- Renders component based on if child has already subscribed or not to either login or be pushed to subscribe page.
located at: src/app/components/dashboard/child/create
- Allows parent user to create child account and have information be sent to backend for saving.
located at: src/app/components/dashboard/child/edit
- Allows parent to update preferences for child, as well as cancel membership.
located at: src/app/components/dashboard/heading
- Contains dashboard menu items on parent dashboard.
located at: src/app/components/dashboard/navigation
- Contains navigational links and items for parent dashboard navigation side bar.
Components for parent sign up and sign-in.
located at: src/app/components/onboarding
- Component to allow parent users to sign in
- Redirect parent user to parent dashboard upon successful login.
located at: src/app/components/onboarding
- Component to allow parent users to sign up and send user data to backend for storage.
- Contains links to privacy policy and ToS components.
- Redirect parent user to parent dash upon successful registration.
Component for retrieving pdf story info from the backend to display to child users.
located at: src/app/components/pdf-display
*Component for retrieving pdf story from backend to display to child users.
Handles components for allocation of points between child user and teammate's(another child user) CCS submission.
located at: src/app/components/point-allocation-dashboard
- Header component for point-allocation page
- Remaining points rendered in header based on child user allocation.
located at: src/app/components/point-allocation-dashboard/modals
- Material UI based component for controlling CCS preview styling
- Validates point allocations are at least 10, and no more than 70 per CCS
- Opens full size view of CCS submissions on click
located at: src/app/components/point-allocation-dashboard
- Holds child user and teammate match data including submissions and points allocation state
- Holds modals for CCS display
- Re-directs child user to versus component if points have already been allocated and store in backend
Holds privacy and terms of service components for users
located at: src/app/components/policies
- Holds privacy policy component with mapping over each paragraph and Drawer component from Material UI.
located at: src/app/component/policies
- Holds terms of service component with mapping over each paragraph and Drawer component from Material UI.
Holds reusable components for entire app such as menu button and child header
located at: src/app/components/reusable-components/kid-header
- Reusable header component for child users
located at: src/app/components/reusable-components/menu-button
- Reusable menu button component for child users.
- Redirects user based on option selected.
Holds components for child user CCS battles after team point allocation has been completed.
located at: src/app/components/versus/modals
- Reusable Material UI based component for controlling CCS preview styling
- Conditional rendering for full size view based on story page amount
- Opens full size view of CCS submissions on click
located at: src/app/components/versus
- Holds sub components for versus page
- versusButton component for back and next buttons rendering
- versusRound component for conditional style rendering for child user team and opponent team
located at: src/app/components/versus
- Holds all versus sub components for child user and teammate matchup against other child users