ESP32 based MQTT gateway for the CN105 protocol based Mitsubishi Heat Pumps (FTC5)
- Pull all known information for the HP (Heat Pump) in a loop (about one's a minute)
- Publish all know information using MQTT. Topic: cn105gw/tele
- The information is JSON encoded payload: {"Zone 1 Flow Temp Setpoint":"32"})
- Provide a logging output by telnet
Provide a webinterface for status of the gateway
- You can set OTA enable/disble
- Reboot the gateway
- See the RSSI of the Wifi connection
I use a Lolin32 development board, but any ESP32 development board should work. Besides the Lolin32 I use a level shifting board (5v from HP to 3.3V Lolin32) and a DC-DC convertor. The DC-DC converter is use to power the Lolon32 board from the 12V provided by the CN105 interface. I power the Lolin32 with 5V.
The gateway will send MQTT data in the following format:
- Topic: cn105gw/tele/0x09 (0x09 indicates the command entry received from the Heat Pump)
- Payload: {"Zone1_Room_Temp_Setpoint":"21.0","Zone2_Room_Temp_Setpoint":"23.0","Zone1_Flow_Temp_Setpoint":"32.0","Zone2_Flow_Temp_Setpoint":"31.0","Legionalla_Temp_Setpoint":"65.0","Flow_Temp_Range_Max":"35.0","Flow_Temp_Range_Min":"25.0"}
Last will and testament is implemented:
- Topic: cn105gw/status
- If online: Payload = "Online" else Payload = "Offline"
Setting parameters is done in this format:
- Topic: cn105gw/cmnd
- Payload (json encoded as strings): {"SetFlowTemperature":"33"}
All settings are done in Topic: cn105gw/cmnd
- {"SetSystemModeOnOff":"1"}
- 0=Standy
- 1=On
- {"SetHotWaterMode":"1"}
- 0=Normal
- 1=Eco
- {"SetACMode":"1"}
- 0=heating room mode
- 1=heating flow temp
- 2=heating heat curve
- 3=cooling room tempmode
- 4=cooling flow temp
- 5=floor dryup
- {"SetFlowTemperature":"XX"}
- XX=Temperature (whole decimal)
- {"SetBoilerTemperature":"XX"}
- XX=Temperature (whole decimal)
- {"SetRoomTemperature":"XX"}
- XX=Temperature (whole decimal)
- {"ForceDHW":"1"}
- 1=ForceDHW
- 0= Cancel/back Normal
With help of many on the internet.
Part of code from:
Code/decode info:
Unfortunatelly I am not a professional programmer so my code is hard to follow, not logical and will have many bugs