Releases: BSData/warhammer-age-of-sigmar-warcry
NQ update (delete old files!)
nightmare quest factions & terrain rule added. also altered the rules in the game file to accommodate Questor Soulsworn hero runemark rules.
Full Changelog: v67...v68
Spring Update
various typos corrected in nurgle, jade, sbgl, gitz, sce, & huanchi
warrior runemark added to tree revenants
Gryselle's Arenai
Just added the new subfaction for DoK and fixed some ability errors. if i said i fixed it to you recently, its here.
fixed some wrongs in Askurgan. They'll show up in allies now.
added in the new Looncourt models.
Askugan Trueblades and Claws of Karanak
also fixed a bunch of mistakes. if i told you itd be in this update, its in this update. if you didnt tell me about it, i didnt fix it.
Bloodhunt pre-release update (partially complete)
Many of the new models' stat blocks have been revealed in a Warhammer+ battle report. I've added the models and the faction abilities we know.
Who knew I'd have to do another release so soon?
Jan 2023 FAQ & Errata Update
This update includes all the ability, points, and bladeborn updates from the new Errata pdf. Enjoy
Matched Play Update + more
This update includes alot of stuff for Matched Play mode, as well as lots of little errors fixed.
#229 #230 #231 , plus more from discord.
First of all, thanks for the shoutout on DoW, Josh. Always nice to see you in the Discord.
Using Battlescribe to Validate Rosters for Tournaments
simply put, i don't recommend it. if you do, make the players use the compendium pdf's for stat block reference. there are mistakes all over the place. when i updated for 2.0, i had to change 900 models alone by myself and I made mistakes. Thanks to all who've reported the mistakes we've found so far, but we are still finding them.
Battlescribe isn't a credible source for correct lists. In its current form, points are calculated correctly when Allies are added, Allies aren't counted correctly, and Total # of models in your list arent counted correctly. My data set is correct, but Battlescribe is ancient and full of terrible bugs that will never ever be fixed.
That said, its the quickest and best tool we have for roster validation right now.
TO's - count the models in the list, count the Allies, add up the points yourself. Don't let players use battlescribe stat blocks in your tournament. make them use the 2.0 Compendium pdf's and errata from November.
Matched Play Changes
I added restrictions to Allies so it's no longer possible to, for example, add a Ogroid Myrmidon (Chaos) to a Destruction warband. It was already obvious, but I added it for the people who believe that
"anything on battlescribe is legal"
I've also updated Tournament Quests, formerly known as Hidden Agendas. This is mostly just for reference for ppl who will be playing in Tournaments soon.
Tournament Options/
In Matched Play only (for now), Players can now disable various categories of models by adding the Tournament Options selection to their Roster. This set of options allows you to Disable Monsters, Thralls, Allies, or even Bladeborn warbands in the selection menus. Based on your tournament pack, some of those things could be banned.
Here's an explanation of the terminology I've used:
White Dwarf Bladeborn - Blackpowder's Buccaneers, The Exiled Dead, Da Kunnin' Krew, Xandire's Truthseekers, Gnarlspirit Pack, Sons of Velmorn
Legacy Bladeborn - everything from ToC 2021
Small typos fixed
many many stat blocks and missing abilities corrected. I can't name them all but tyvm to those who've submitted Issues on github or just posted in the #battlescribe channel on the r/warcry subreddit discord.
Sundered Fate - small fixes to a few profiles
and khagra is now available as a hero again.