Attribute | Attribute Format |
patient_id | integer |
birth_date | ISO_8601 |
sex | male/female/unknown |
status | alive/deceased/unknown |
consent | boolean |
consent_sign_date | ISO_8601 |
consent_retraction_date | ISO_8601 |
country_of_residence | ISO_3166-3 |
- There are 5 tipes of specimen
- Tissue, Serum, Genome, DiagnosisMaterial, Blood
- SampleID
- BiopsyID
- PredictiveID
- TakingDate (Date - ISO 8601)
- Diagnosis (ICD-10)
- Retrieved (preop, op, postop, unknown)
- MaterialType
- TNM (TNM-7)
- pTNM (TNM-7)
- Topography (ICD-O-3)
- morphology (ICD-O-3)
- grading (SNOMED CT 373372005-family tree)
- cutTime (Date and time ISO 8601)
- freezeTime (Date and time ISO 8601)