Code Simulation: Configuration & Auto Testing #1111
3 issue(s) found
Summary of Issues
Type | Count | Severity |
rules.njsscan.generic.generic_error_disclosure | 1 | MEDIUM |
rules.njsscan.semantic_grep.generic.generic_error_disclosure | 1 | MEDIUM |
rules.mobsf.mobsfscan.logging.android_logging | 1 | LOW |
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Details and Annotations
semgrep version 1.69.0
Check warning on line 348 in fission/src/ui/panels/configuring/assembly-config/ConfigurePanel.tsx
autodesk-chorus / security/semgrep
Error messages with stack traces may expose sensitive information about the application.
Check warning on line 348 in fission/src/ui/panels/configuring/assembly-config/ConfigurePanel.tsx
autodesk-chorus / security/semgrep
Error messages with stack traces may expose sensitive information about the application.
Check notice on line 93 in simulation/samples/JavaAutoSample/src/main/java/frc/robot/
autodesk-chorus / security/semgrep
The App logs information. Please ensure that sensitive information is never logged.