Trials of the Luremaster for Baldur's Gate v4.0
The Icewind Dale expansion "Trials of the Luremaster", made available for BG2:EE, SoD and EET.
- Added new subcomponent: Allow to trade with Hobart before starting the adventure.
- Added Brazilian Portuguese translation (thanks Felipe).
- Made Blast Skeletons' self-destruction more reliable.
- Improved Luremaster immunities to fix potential softlocks.
- Improved feedback messages when pulling levers in the four castle towers.
- Improved handling of the illusionary staircase on the eastern castle wall.
- Improved scripted intro of the harpies in the NE tower.
- Improved spiders encounter in the Ruined Temple of Helm.
- Improved scripting of Stone Nuisances.
- Improved traps in castle dungeon, level 3.
- Improved challenge of the final battle with the Luremaster on hardest difficulty.
- Improved combat scripts of creatures: Changed from unconditionally following Player1 to "Call for Help"-style behavior.
- Prevent cheating in the Watchknight Tomb via quickloot bar by placing treasure into a container.
- Fixed a loophole with the Pocket Plane ability that could allow the party to leave the castle prematurely in ToB.
- Fixed or improved spells: Static Charge, Mordenkainen's Force Missiles, Spike Growth, Smashing Wave, Symbol Pain, Vitriolic Sphere, Symbol Hopelessness, Emotion Fear.
- Fixed Hobart's race and class attributes (fixes reputation loss if killed in the castle).
- Fixed mod areas not always listed in the debug console.
- Fixed conflicts with BG:EE resources.