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Releases: Arch666Angel/mods

v0.18.5 Hotfix - nilaus addons

03 Apr 08:00
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Nilaus lamp would return a standard small lamp


02 Apr 21:47
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Version: 0.11.8
Date: 02.04.2020
    - Changed mining time of Burner Ore Crusher so it's easier to pick up in early game
    - Added setting to change stack size of (all) pavement items between 200 to 1000 (default 200)
    - Changed stack size of Stone Brick to use the pavement item stack size (was 100, now 200 by default)
    - Changed stack size of (all) Concrete to use the pavement item stack size (was 100, now 200 by default)
    - Changed stack size of Landfill to use the pavement item stack size (was 100, now 200 by default)
    - Fixed missing Tin related to attempted bugfix in 0.11.4 when playing without angelssmelting
    - angelsmods.functions.make_void(...) now supports an optional quantity as input argument
    - added equivalent function to create viscous liquid recipe icons
    - added equivalent function to create solid recipe icons


Version: 0.9.6
Date: 02.04.2020
    - Excluded Chemical Plant recipe from marathon mode when it is required for science packs
    - Remove tech for electrolyser/chem plant 2+ when its disabled #132
    - Fixed oil refinery didn't have fast_replaceable_group set
    - Fixed crash when bob pure water was disabled
    - Fixed missing localisation for heavy water seperation recipes
    - Fixed failed attempt (in 0.9.5) on re-enabling rocket-fuel on existing saves
    - Fixed higher tier boilers required multiple of the previous tier with ingredient multiplier
    - Fixed startup error with bobrevamp and missing bobplates


Version: 0.6.4
Date: 02.04.2020
    - Changed the name from Non Expendable mold to Reusable Mold
    - Added basic recipe tints to the induction furnace + recipes
    - Changed stack size of pavement items to use refinings setting (was 1000, now 200 by default)
    - Fixed Concrete Brick and Reinforced Concrete Brick couldn't be placed next to water
    - Ensures iron-rods are properly updated/disabled when need be #154

Bio Processing

Version: 0.7.6
Date: 02.04.2020
    - Changed graphics on tree recipes to represent the trees instead of their product
    - Increase usage of bio sink (Compost)
      - Fertilizer now takes twice the amount of Compost
      - Fermentation Base processing now produces half the amount of compost
    - Decrease production of Compost
      - Require 2 vegetables to create 1 Compost (required 1 before)
      - Require 20 vegetable seeds to create 1 Compost (required 1 before)
      - Require 2 Gardens to create 1 Compost (required 1 before)
      - Require 2 Cellulose Fibers to create 1 Compost (required 1 before)
      - Require 4 Green Algae to create 1 Compost (required 1 before)
      - Require 3 Brown Algae to create 1 Compost (required 1 before)
      - Require 2 Blue Algae to create 1 Compost (required 1 before)
    - Fixed missing localised description on Alien Plant Life Sample
    - Fixed ore pastes would enable when you don't need them


Version: 0.3.6
Date: 02.04.2020
    - Removed Crawler Train - moved to separate mod #124
    - Component mode:
      - Stone wall now require only 1 Construction Block 2 instead of 5
      - Fixed recipes would use the unobtainable advanced processing blocks
      - Changed Grey Circuit Board hand crafting to use the Circuit Board from wood instead of paper
      - Added new recipes to create molds for Motor Casting
    - General:
      - Fixed iron stick/rod in wrong mode to be shown (including cleanup) #154
    - Component mode:
      - Fixed Submachine Gun was unlocking with Turrets instead of Basic Military technology
      - Fixed Automation 2 did not depend on Construction Components 2
    - Science mode:
      - Fixed Assembling Machine 1 was locked when playing with bobs Burner Assemblers disabled
      - Fixed some labs would require the base game Lab as ingredient instead of angels variant

Addon Crawlertrain (NEW!)

Version: 0.1.0
Date: 02.04.2020
    - Initial release
    - Added multiple tiers for crawler train
    - Separated from industries

Addon Nilaus

Version: 0.3.6
Date: 02.04.2020
    - Updated grid size to a 9x9 grid (instead of default bob-cars size) #143
    - Hide grid button when in vanilla, aka missing vehicle grid (car, vehicle, angels-...) #143
    - Truck now stears as a car, not a tank #143

Addon Petrotrain

Version: 0.5.3
Date: 02.04.2020
    - Inventory size with tiers enabled were too big
    - Capacity didn't increase per tier

Addon Smeltingtrain

Version: 0.3.3
Date: 02.04.2020
    - Inventory size with tiers enabled were too big


20 Mar 22:05
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Angels refining

Version: 0.11.5
Date: 20-03-2020
    - Added new graphics for fluid icons
    - Powdered refining depends on lubricant tech now
    - Moved seafloor pump more landinwards to be in line with 18.10 #78
    - Added Salt to Chloric Waste Water when petrochem is enabled
    - Added Sodium Nitrate to Nitric Waste Water when petrochem is enabled
    - Added angels fluid icon base icons
    - Added angels overlay numbers 6 and 7
    - With the components mostly done, cupric sorting recipes received minimal changes:
      - Tier 2 now gives tin instead of silicon
      - Tier 3 now gives silicon instead of silver
    - When a resource is removed, the preset should be removed as well (otherwise it would/could crash)
    - Fixed that mixed uranium sorting (from crystals) did not allow productivity modules

Angels smelting

Version: 0.6.2
Date: 20-03-2020
    - Moved the unlocks for the molds further away:
      - Expendable Mold from Metalurgy 1 to Stone Smelting 1
      - Non-expendable Mold from Metalurgy 2 to Stone Smelting 2
    - Steel smelting 1 now prerequisites on steel processing
    - Added higher quality fluid icons
    - Moved angels glass fiber coil unlock from glass 3 to glass 1 tech
    - Fixed solder mixture was unlocked from the start
    - Fixed tungsten smelting 1 and 2 did not have cobalt and nickel smelting prerequisites
    - Reinforced concrete bricks use steel rods when these are present (used steel plates before)

Angels petrochem

Version: 0.9.4
Date: 20-03-2020
    - Chemical recipes now always show the result products for lookup convenience
    - Added high resolution gas and liquid icons, including higher resolution molecules
    - Moved bobplates overrides in separate file
    - Added bobs electrolysis to angels electrolysers #56
    - Added option to disable bobs electrolysers #56
    - Added option to disable bobs chemical plants #56
    - Merged the rocket-fuel recipes #66
    - Removed seperate solid fuel check completely #66
    - Added nuclear fuel tech since requirements for rocket fuel is different #66
    - Disabled coal liquefaction
    - Fully replaced Bob's Lithium Chloride with Angels Lithia Salt #71
    - Replaced oil in flamethrower and ammo for naptha/fuel-oil #88
    - Changed used electrode recipe to use purified water
    - Added Sodium Nitrate and related recipes
    - Added Saline Water from Water & Salt recipe
    - Moved solid fuels for bobrevamps
    - Added processing cycle for deuterium when it is present
    - Added multiple tiers for electric boilers
    - Separated tech for boilers, included recipe for steam
    - Fixed crashes when bobs assembly was enabled with electrolysers disabled
    - Added missing (water) void recipe for Sodium Hydroxide Solution

Angels Bio processing

Version: 0.7.4
Date: 20-03-2020
    - Removed the (unneeded) ingredient limit on different bio buildings
      - Fish Tank, Puffer Refugium and Biter Refugium
      - Basic and Upgraded Farms, Bio Processor, Bio Press and Nutrient Extractor
    - Added Biter Queens as alternative way of creating biter eggs
    - Added converter recipe from crystal dust to crystal powder (less efficient for slurry)
    - Puffer breeding now returns Acid Gas instead of just consuming the Puffer Atmosphere
    - Balanced (crop) farming to reduce overal power consumption
      - Farms now craft at double the speed (basic at speed 1, upgraded at speed 2)
      - All upgraded farms now consume the same amount of power
      - Farming now takes less time (all take 30 seconds, was 60 before, except swamp was 45)
      - Bio Processor crafts at speed of 1 (was 0.75)
      - Seeds of the tier 1 and 2 crops only require 5 (instead of 10) crops to extract seeds from
    - Balanced nutrient pulp to increase yield
      - Now requires only 5 (instead of 10) crops
      - Crafts twice as fast (2 seconds, was 4)
    - Balanced Fish Water to have a higher alien spore yield
      - Fish tank now yields 100 fish water/recipe instead of 20 (increase of x5)
      - Polluted Fish Water yields twice the spores (incease of x2)
      - Polluted Fish water yields less sulfuric waste water (compensation of the higher use)
    - Alien Bacteria now requires 50 Alien Spores instead of 100 (increase of x2)
    - Alien Bacteria can now seed 5 dishes instead of 3 (increase of x1.667)
    - Puffer Breeding now has a higher yield of their own eggs (other types remain the same)
      - Gaseous and Rancid eggs from 50% to 75%
      - Rancid, Acidic and Corodent eggs from 50% to 70%
    - Puffer Eggs Hatching now takes less time (10, 15, 20, 25, 30 sec instead of all 60)
    - Biter zoo recipes now gives 1 crystal/biter (increase of x4)
    - Increased crafting speed of Biter Refugium to 2 (was 0.75)
    - Grinding crystals have a chance of returning the grindstone (usage reduced to 1/3rd)
    - Made green algae a bit more productive
      - Green Algae I ratio brown:green algae increased to 25:5 (was 20:5)
      - Green Algae II crafts faster (was 20 seconds, now 15) to reduce power consumption
      - Green Algae II inputs lowered from 100 to 80 (+20% productivity)
      - Green Algae II output increased from 40 to 50 (+25% productivity)
    - Fixed fish, puffers and biters did count (fully) towards production stats for breeding
    - Fixed the working animation on the hatchery and biter refugium
    - Fixed butchering biters would not give crystals in the butchery
    - Fixed that alien-spores could not be voided

Angels Industries

Version: 0.3.2
Date: 20-03-2020
    - Added dedicated icon to the Electronics Block 0
    - Added dedicated researched to unlock the components
    - Added dedicated researched for the specialised labs
    - Changed Electronics Board ingredients to use Cupric instead of Ferrous Chloride Solution
    - Changed Solder amount on Electronics Boards to the amount of components that are needed
    - Changed the Lab Archive icon and added different tiers to speed up research process
    - Allow productivity modules on components
    - Changed ratios between component ingredients to bring diversity between tiers
    - Extra check if recipe ingredients exists #52
    - Allow robot deployment when in automatic mode #48
    - Fixed Microchip requiring liquid plastic as ingredient
    - Fixed that the Lab Archive was unobtainable when enabling angels science mid-game
    - Science pack for datacores for angels rocket fuel fixed to default rocket fuel #66
    - Enforces single main-lab to exist

Angels Exploration

Version: 0.3.3
Date: 20-03-2020
    - Added technology for bonus damage on the pez ammo
    - Fixed spykers were showing up in bonus gui

Angels infinity ores

Version: 0.9.2
Date: 20-03-2020
    - When a resource is removed, the preset should be removed as well (otherwise it would/could crash)

Angelsaddons Nilaus decorations

Version: 0.3.1
Date: 20-03-2020
    - Added technology prerequisites

Angelsaddons Shred decorations

Version: 0.2.1
Date: 20-03-2020
    - Added compatibility with angel industry technology overhaul

Angelsaddons Petrochem train

Version: 0.5.2
Date: 20-03-2020
    - Settings were surrounded by quotes
    - Higher tiers are now unlocked by separate techs
    - Allow robot dispatch when in automatic mode #48

Angelsaddons Smelting train

Version: 0.3.2
Date: 20-03-2020
    - Settings were surrounded by quotes
    - Higher tiers are now unlocked by separate techs
    - Allow robot deployment when in automatic mode #48


22 Feb 21:09
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Version: 0.11.3
Date: 22.02.2020
    - Updated the loading of presets
    - Updated emission data, so it now shows in the ingame tooltips (and activates)
    - Auto preset generation on adding ore
    - Changes the refinery ore product generation to be more flexible and dynamic
      - This puts almost all sorting recipes back to the way they where in 0.17
      - The reason is that in the 0.11.0 release a lot of recipes did have unintended changes
      - DO NOT UPDATE IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO REBUILDING parts of your existing base (again..)!
    - Added settings to allow all ores in the starting area
    - Fixed Electro Whinning Cell MK1 and MK2 had same crafting speed (changed MK1 1 --> 0.75)


Version: 0.9.2
Date: 22.02.2020
    - Updated emission data, so it now shows in the ingame tooltips (and activates)
    - Updated fuel values to be based on volume not mass (and globally balanced down) GH#38
      - For reference Hydrogen is only 33kJ now
    - Fixes incorrect presets for natural-gas
    - Marked the Metal Catalyst Carrier result in recipes as a catalyst ingredient
    - Added all bobs electrolysers to include the angels recipes


Version: 0.6.1
Date: 22.02.2020
    - Updated emission data, so it now shows in the ingame tooltips (and activates)
    - Changes the smelting recipe generation to be more flexible and dynamic
    - Added powder recipe for Aluminium, Gold, Lead, Manganese, Platinum, Silver, Tin, Titanium, Zinc
    - Added roll recipes for Chrome, Cobalt, Gold, Lead, Manganese, Nickel, Platinum, Silver, Tin
    - Changed bobs powdered silicon icon for angels version for consistency
    - Updated bobs silver oxide icon to be consistent with angels icons
    - Renamed Powdered Tungsten to Tungsten Powder to be in line with other angel powders
    - Added a steel rod from steel plate recipe and moved steel rod stacks further down the tech tree
    - Added silicon wafer item and recipe, also affects bobs silicon wafer yield to be consistent
    - Added a basic solder wire recipe to counteract the need of oxygen to make solder early game
    - Added separate solder smelting technology icon (was using the one from zinc smelting before)
    - Fixed the icon on the gold wire recipe
    - Fixed missing localisation on steel rod stack (recipe)
    - Fixed casting machine tiers 2..4 not having an output fluid box
    - Fixed missing recipes for the molds


Version: 0.7.3
Date: 22.02.2020
    - Bio tokens always gets added to labs now, trigger option added for mods to exclude the lab
    - Pastes requires 2 powder instead of 1 ore
    - Changed the tech icon of Farming and Garden Mutations
    - In marathon mode (expensive), you get the garden back when trying to obtain alien life samples
    - When picking up gardens, they have a chance of giving some crops as well
    - Fixed petri-dish requiring the wrong glass item (when playing with bob)
    - Updated emission data, so it now shows in the ingame tooltips (and activates)
    - Fixed that there where no temperate gardens generating under any circumstances
    - Fixed garden duplication recipes did not have the garden marked as a catalyst ingredient (production stats)


Version: 0.3.2
Date: 22.02.2020
    - Fixed spitters were dealing too much damage (600+/s)
    - Fixed some guns recipes that were not in the correct spot


Version: 0.3.1
Date: 22.02.2020
    - Dependent on bioprocessing 0.7.3 for new lab triggers
    - Updated emission data, so it now shows in the ingame tooltips (and activates)
    - Automated component replacement script if components is activated
      - Works with Vanilla, Angels and Bobs (default, normal and expensive)
      - All buildings require blocks
      - Other recipes changed to take angels components
      - Hides bobs electronic(finals) to use angels electronics
      - Still uses bobs electronic paths for modules (for now)
      - Warning: Does not need overhaul=true to work

Infinite ores

Version: 0.9.1
Date: 22.02.2020
    - Synced the resource-builder with refining
    - Auto preset generation on adding ore

Addon - Petrochem train

Version: 0.5.1
Date: 22.02.2020
    - Added option to allow higher tiers of trains

Addon - Smelting train

Version: 0.3.1
Date: 22.02.2020
    - Added option to allow higher tiers of trains


21 Feb 23:08
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Version: 0.11.2
Date: 12.02.2020
    - Changed ore generation so richness is using default settings (instead of a .1 multiplier) GH#23


Version: 0.9.1
Date: 12.02.2020
    - Changed richness multiplier of natural-gas so its more in line with crude-oil
    - Fixed error on override on (bobs) chemical plants (and electrolysers) when they where not available

Bio processing

Version: 0.7.1
Date: 12.02.2020
    - Fixed that bio-token was not being added to labs correctly
    - Fixed that bobs greenhouse was producing wood instead of trees
    - Fixed that the manual tree to wood conversion recipe was not disabled at the start of the game
    - Fixed seed extractor requiring too advanced circuits compared to bobs greenhouse


Version: 0.3.1
Date: 12.02.2020
    - Fixed checking if items exist before ordering them to prevent crashes


21 Feb 23:07
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Initial 0.18 release


15 Mar 20:26
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