심심해서 해보는 HTML5Rocks's Tutorial 번역. performance 관련 튜토리얼들만 대상으로 하고 있음.
- HTML5 WebDatabases를 이용한 간단한 할일 목록 만들기 (2011-09-19) 원문
- 초보자 App Cache 사용 가이드 (2011-10-05) 원문
- Best Practices for a Faster Web App with HTML5 원문 | ing...
- Intoduction to Chrome Developer Tools, Part One
- The Basics of Web Workers
- Auditing Your Web App For Speed
- 'Offline': What does it mean and why should I care?
- Stream Updates with Server-Sent Events
- Improving th Performance of yout HTML5 App
- How Browsers Wokr: Behind the scenes of modern web browsers
- Improving HTML5 Canvas Performance
- Measuring Page Load Speed with Navigation Timing
- HTML5 Techniques for Iptimizing Mobile Performance
- Best Practices for a Faster Web App with HTML5 -> HTML5 웹 앱을 빠르게 하는 10가지 방법 -> index table 만 생성.
- A Beginner's Guide to Using the Application Cache -> 초보자 App Cache 사용 가이드 -> 1차 완료 -> 1차 퇴고 완료.