A python implementation for information retrieval tasks, including forward/inverted index, basic retrieval models (e.g., BM25, uni-gram language model). The indexing module uses a thread-safe Python bindings for LevelDB (https://code.google.com/p/py-leveldb/). LevelDB is a fast key-value storage library.
run: sh buildIndex.sh
tokenize corpus: buildIndex_tokenize.py input: the Robust2004 corpus output: ~/Documents/ir/Robust2004/result/tokenize/
extract the document infomation from the tokenized corpus: buildIndex_extract.py input: tokenized corpus output: transform words into term_ids to file /doc.extract format: [doc_id \t term_id \t term_tf \t positions_in_doc]
sort the second column (term_id) in /doc.extract by number order sort -k2 -n < ./index/doc.extract > ./index/doc.extract.sort_by_termid
build the forward index for corpus: buildIndex_forward.py input: /doc.extract output to leveldb files: /forward_index_db
build the inversed index for corpus: buildIndex_inversed.py input: /doc.extract.sort_by_termid output to leveldb files: /inverted_index_db
get document length: buildIndex_doclen.py input: /forward_index_db /docname output:/doclen
get term's document frequency: buildIndex_termdf.py input: /inverted_index_db /vocab output: /termDocFreq
apply to information retrieval (BM25 and Language model): retrieval.py input: index files corpus: Robust2004, trec topics: 601-700 output: ranking results /results_file
evaluation by trec_eval (version 9.0) ./trec_eval -q ./Robust2004/qrels ./Robust2004/result/results_file > ./Robust2004/result/results_file.eval