Go implementation of NodeFinder program. You can add multiple calibrations, clade labels, and branch labels with nodefinder-go at the same time.
- Please visit NodeFinderGUI and NodeFinder for Python implementation of NodeFinder program.
- Please visit NodeFinderC for C implementation of NodeFinder program.
$ go install github.com/zxjsdp/nodefinder-go/cmd/nodefinder-go
$ nodefinder-go -input input.nwk -config config.txt -output output.nwk
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/zxjsdp/nodefinder-go/ && go test -v ./...
# lines startswith # with be ignored
# you can add one or multiple calibrations in single config file
name_a, name_b, calibration_infomation_1
name_c, name_d, calibration_infomation_2
name_a, name_b, clade_label_information
name, branch_label_information
..., ..., ...