Extract text
, image
, audio
, and video
info from WeChat SQLite db
and user content folder, generate WeChat app style HTML5 files.
Since WeChat is a commercial software, I am not yet sure if there will be any legal risk if I release the code.
The API is not mature and simple enough for daily use.
So I decided to remove all the source code. I will consider releasing the code in the future. ^_^
- You can see that
text message
, andimages
can be displayed normally.
can be played with HTML5 audio player provided by browsers (Firefox, Chrome, etc.)- The background of
date infomation
is white bar. - Text of
time information
uses light grey color.
can be displayed inline with other text.
- If you click
text message
, you can see the enlarged version of it, along withdatetime information
. - If you click user
, you can see enlarged version of avatar. - If you click an
, you can see enlarged version of image. You can zoom in or zoom out as you wish.
First, get WeChat SQLite db file
and user content folder
from mobile phone.
For Android, you can get your EnMicroMsg.db
from this path:
/data/data/com.tencent.mm/MicroMsg/de42c....8ed(32 chars length)/
This is an encrypted SQLite db file. You need to get the IMEI
of your mobile
phone and your WeChat UIN
Then, execute:
echo -n "$imei$uin" | md5sum | cut -c -7
Say the password of your EnMicroMsg.db
is abc1234. Now you need to decipher
your db file. You can use sqlcipher2 (not 3 or newer).
After deciphering, you can now access your text message, user list, datetime informations, media path, ... from db file. All the informations we need are known.
Now you can get your media files, attachment files, and other files in this path:
sdcard/Tencent/MicroMsg/de42c....8ed(32 chars length)/
Normally we will need these folders: emoji
, image
, image2
, video
Then we can start design our webpage.
Using HTML5 is much more convenient since
we can play some audio and video types directly in web browser. Since the audio
format .amr
in voice
folder is not supported by most web browsers, we can
convert them to .mp3
format using ffmpeg. You can do similar things for
other media type.
ffmpeg -i ./file.amr ./file.mp3
We need to parse contents from SQLite db file.
Now we need to concentrate on type.
1 Normal text message
3 Photos
# How the photo folder organize:
if image_path.startswith("THUMBNAIL_DIRPATH"):
image_name = image_path.split('//')[1]\
.replace('th_', '').strip()
image_path = os.path.join(
'%s/%s/%s' % (image_name[:2],
image_name[2:4], image_name))
34 Audios (.amr)
47 Emoji
43 Image (jpg)
62 Video (%H%M%S%d%m%Y******.mp4)
1048625 image
Emoji chars:
u_keyword_list = [
u"微笑", u"撇嘴", u"色", u"发呆", u"得意", u"流泪",
u"害羞", u"闭嘴", u"睡", u"大哭", u"尴尬", u"发怒",
u"调皮", u"呲牙", u"惊讶", u"难过", u"酷", u"冷汗",
u"抓狂", u"吐", u"偷笑", u"愉快", u"白眼", u"傲慢",
u"饥饿", u"困", u"惊恐", u"流汗", u"憨笑", u"悠闲",
u"奋斗", u"咒骂", u"疑问", u"嘘", u"晕", u"疯了",
u"哀", u"骷髅", u"敲打", u"再见", u"擦汗", u"抠鼻",
u"鼓掌", u"糗大了", u"坏笔", u"左哼哼", u"右哼哼",
u"哈欠", u"鄙视", u"委屈", u"快哭了", u"阴险", u"亲亲",
u"吓", u"可怜", u"菜刀", u"西瓜", u"啤酒", u"篮球",
u"乒乓", u"咖啡", u"饭", u"猪头", u"玫瑰", u"凋谢",
u"嘴唇", u"爱心", u"心碎", u"蛋糕", u"闪电", u"炸弹",
u"刀", u"足球", u"瓢虫", u"便便", u"月亮", u"太阳",
u"礼物", u"拥抱", u"强", u"弱", u"握手", u"胜利",
u"抱拳", u"勾引", u"拳头", u"差劲", u"爱你", u"NO",
u"OK", u"爱情", u"飞吻", u"跳跳", u"发抖", u"怄火",
u"转圈", u"磕头", u"回头", u"跳绳", u"投降", u"激动",
u"乱舞", u"献吻", u"左太极", u"右太极"
u_code_list = [
u"/::)", u"/::~", u"/::B", u"/::|", u"/:8-)", u"/::<", u"/::$",
u"/::X", u"/::Z", u"/::'(", u"/::-|", u"/::@", u"/::P", u"/::D",
u"/::O", u"/::(", u"/::+", u"/:–b", u"/::Q", u"/::T", u"/:,@P",
u"/:,@-D", u"/::d", u"/:,@o", u"/::g", u"/:|-)", u"/::!", u"/::L",
u"/::>", u"/::,@", u"/:,@f", u"/::-S", u"/:?", u"/:,@x", u"/:,@@",
u"/::8", u"/:,@!", u"/:!!!", u"/:xx", u"/:bye", u"/:wipe", u"/:dig",
u"/:handclap", u"/:&-(", u"/:B-)", u"/:<@", u"/:@>", u"/::-O",
u"/:>-|", u"/:P-(", u"/::'|", u"/:X-)", u"/::*", u"/:@x", u"/:8*",
u"/:pd", u"/:<W>", u"/:beer", u"/:basketb", u"/:oo", u"/:coffee",
u"/:eat", u"/:pig", u"/:rose", u"/:fade", u"/:showlove", u"/:heart",
u"/:break", u"/:cake", u"/:li", u"/:bome", u"/:kn", u"/:footb",
u"/:ladybug", u"/:shit", u"/:moon", u"/:sun", u"/:gift", u"/:hug",
u"/:strong", u"/:weak", u"/:share", u"/:v", u"/:@)", u"/:jj",
u"/:@@", u"/:bad", u"/:lvu", u"/:no", u"/:ok", u"/:love", u"/:<L>",
u"/:jump", u"/:shake", u"/:<O>", u"/:circle", u"/:kotow", u"/:turn",
u"/:skip", u"/:oY", u"/:#-0", u"/:hiphot", u"/:kiss", u"/:<&",
Emoji files(data/emoji/{0-104}.png
) and corresponding code, keywords:
0.png /::) 微笑
1.png /::~ 撇嘴
2.png /::B 色
3.png /::| 发呆
4.png /:8-) 得意
5.png /::< 流泪
6.png /::$ 害羞
7.png /::X 闭嘴
8.png /::Z 睡
9.png /::'( 大哭
10.png /::-| 尴尬
11.png /::@ 发怒
12.png /::P 调皮
13.png /::D 呲牙
14.png /::O 惊讶
15.png /::( 难过
16.png /::+ 酷
17.png /:–b 冷汗
18.png /::Q 抓狂
19.png /::T 吐
20.png /:,@P 偷笑
21.png /:,@-D 愉快
22.png /::d 白眼
23.png /:,@o 傲慢
24.png /::g 饥饿
25.png /:|-) 困
26.png /::! 惊恐
27.png /::L 流汗
28.png /::> 憨笑
29.png /::,@ 悠闲
30.png /:,@f 奋斗
31.png /::-S 咒骂
32.png /:? 疑问
33.png /:,@x 嘘
34.png /:,@@ 晕
35.png /::8 疯了
36.png /:,@! 哀
37.png /:!!! 骷髅
38.png /:xx 敲打
39.png /:bye 再见
40.png /:wipe 擦汗
41.png /:dig 抠鼻
42.png /:handclap 鼓掌
43.png /:&-( 糗大了
44.png /:B-) 坏笔
45.png /:<@ 左哼哼
46.png /:@> 右哼哼
47.png /::-O 哈欠
48.png /:>-| 鄙视
49.png /:P-( 委屈
50.png /::'| 快哭了
51.png /:X-) 阴险
52.png /::* 亲亲
53.png /:@x 吓
54.png /:8* 可怜
55.png /:pd 菜刀
56.png /:<W> 西瓜
57.png /:beer 啤酒
58.png /:basketb 篮球
59.png /:oo 乒乓
60.png /:coffee 咖啡
61.png /:eat 饭
62.png /:pig 猪头
63.png /:rose 玫瑰
64.png /:fade 凋谢
65.png /:showlove 嘴唇
66.png /:heart 爱心
67.png /:break 心碎
68.png /:cake 蛋糕
69.png /:li 闪电
70.png /:bome 炸弹
71.png /:kn 刀
72.png /:footb 足球
73.png /:ladybug 瓢虫
74.png /:shit 便便
75.png /:moon 月亮
76.png /:sun 太阳
77.png /:gift 礼物
78.png /:hug 拥抱
79.png /:strong 强
80.png /:weak 弱
81.png /:share 握手
82.png /:v 胜利
83.png /:@) 抱拳
84.png /:jj 勾引
85.png /:@@ 拳头
86.png /:bad 差劲
87.png /:lvu 爱你
88.png /:no NO
89.png /:ok OK
90.png /:love 爱情
91.png /:<L> 飞吻
92.png /:jump 跳跳
93.png /:shake 发抖
94.png /:<O> 怄火
95.png /:circle 转圈
96.png /:kotow 磕头
97.png /:turn 回头
98.png /:skip 跳绳
99.png /:oY 投降
100.png /:#-0 激动
101.png /:hiphot 乱舞
102.png /:kiss 献吻
103.png /:<& 左太极
104.png /:&> 右太极
Emoji files (data/emoji/{0-104}.png
) and emojis:
- 0.png
- 1.png
- 2.png
- 3.png
- 4.png
- 5.png
- 6.png
- 7.png
- 8.png
- 9.png
- 10.png
- 11.png
- 12.png
- 13.png
- 14.png
- 15.png
- 16.png
- 17.png
- 18.png
- 19.png
- 20.png
- 21.png
- 22.png
- 23.png
- 24.png
- 25.png
- 26.png
- 27.png
- 28.png
- 29.png
- 30.png
- 31.png
- 32.png
- 33.png
- 34.png
- 35.png
- 36.png
- 37.png
- 38.png
- 39.png
- 40.png
- 41.png
- 42.png
- 43.png
- 44.png
- 45.png
- 46.png
- 47.png
- 48.png
- 49.png
- 50.png
- 51.png
- 52.png
- 53.png
- 54.png
- 55.png
- 56.png
- 57.png
- 58.png
- 59.png
- 60.png
- 61.png
- 62.png
- 63.png
- 64.png
- 65.png
- 66.png
- 67.png
- 68.png
- 69.png
- 70.png
- 71.png
- 72.png
- 73.png
- 74.png
- 75.png
- 76.png
- 77.png
- 78.png
- 79.png
- 80.png
- 81.png
- 82.png
- 83.png
- 84.png
- 85.png
- 86.png
- 87.png
- 88.png
- 89.png
- 90.png
- 91.png
- 92.png
- 93.png
- 94.png
- 95.png
- 96.png
- 97.png
- 98.png
- 99.png
- 100.png
- 101.png
- 102.png
- 103.png
- 104.png