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Command Line Client

Matthew Davis edited this page May 31, 2022 · 8 revisions

Zulia Admin

The zuliaadmin command supports managing indexes and index aliases in the cluster as well as other function not included in querying or backups/exporting.

All zuliaadmin options can use the following options

--port=<port>   Zulia Port
--routing       Use smart routing to route request to the correct node
                        (do not use with ssh port forwarding)
--server, --address=<address>

Cluster Nodes

Display Cluster Nodes

zuliaadmin displayNodes

Display Active Cluster Nodes

zuliaadmin displayNodes --activeOnly

Index Management

Display Indexes

zuliaadmin displayIndexes
# add node location as well in addition to the index name
zuliaadmin displayIndexes --detailed

Display Doc Count for Index(es)

bash zuliaadmin docCount --index someIndex
bash zuliaadmin docCount --index "some*"
bash zuliaadmin docCount --index someIndex --index someIndex2
bash zuliaadmin docCount --indexes someIndex,someIndex2

Clear Index (Remove documents without deleting the index)

bash zuliaadmin clearIndex --index someIndex
bash zuliaadmin clearIndex --index "some*"
bash zuliaadmin clearIndex --index someIndex --index someIndex2
bash zuliaadmin clearIndex --indexes someIndex,someIndex2

Delete Index (Remove documents without deleting the index)

bash zuliaadmin deleteIndex --index someIndex
bash zuliaadmin deleteIndex --index "some*"
bash zuliaadmin deleteIndex --index someIndex --index someIndex2
bash zuliaadmin deleteIndex --indexes someIndex,someIndex2

# Also delete associated files
bash zuliaadmin deleteIndex --index someIndex --deleteAssociated

Optimize Index (Merge index to a single segment, only recommended for a not frequently changing index)

bash zuliaadmin optimizeIndex --index someIndex
bash zuliaadmin optimizeIndex --index "some*"
bash zuliaadmin optimizeIndex --index someIndex --index someIndex2
bash zuliaadmin optimizeIndex --indexes someIndex,someIndex2

Reindex (In place reindex of content)

bash zuliaadmin reindex --index someIndex
bash zuliaadmin reindex --index "some*"
bash zuliaadmin reindex --index someIndex --index someIndex2
bash zuliaadmin reindex --indexes someIndex,someIndex2

Index Alias Management

Create index alias

# create an index to allow searching index news2020 by the name news
zuliadmin createAlias --alias news --index news2022

Delete index alias

zuliaadmin deleteAlias --alias someAlias
zuliaadmin deleteAlias --alias someAlias --alias someAlias2
zuliaadmin deleteAlias --alias "some*"

Display index aliases

zuliaadmin displayAliases

Export index aliases

zuliaadmin exportAliases -f=myIndexAliases.json --alias myAlias
zuliaadmin exportAliases -f=myIndexAliases.json --alias myAlias,myAlias2
zuliaadmin exportAliases -f=myIndexAliases.json --alias "*"

Import index aliases (expects format of export index aliases)

zuliaadmin importAliases -f=myIndexAliases.json

Zulia Searching / Faceting

The zulia command supports search and faceting from the command line

The zulia server/port can be given the follow options but defaults to localhost and 32191

--port=<port>   Zulia Port
--routing       Use smart routing to route request to the correct node
                        (do not use with ssh port forwarding)
--server, --address=<address>


Search Options

-m, --mm, --minimumShouldMatch=n
                   How many optional (ORed) terms are required
-o, --defaultOperator=OR,AND
                   The default operator to use if not explicitly defined
                   between terms
-q, --query=someQuery
--qf, --queryFields=<arg1>
                   Fields to search for terms in the query without an
                   explicit field given

Basic Search (Ids and Scores Only)

# search title field in publication index for term cancer and return 10 ids/relevance scores
zulia --index publications --rows 10 search --query "title:cancer" 

Basic Search (Return a few fields)

# search title field in publication index for term cancer and return 10 results with title and pubYear
zulia --index publications --rows 10 --fetch FULL --fl title --fl pubYear search --query "title:cancer" 

Multiple Indexes

# search title field in publication and news indexes for term cancer and return 10 results with title and pubYear
zulia --index publications --index news --rows 10 --fetch FULL --fl title --fl pubYear search --query "title:cancer"

Query Fields

# search title and abstract field in publication index for term cancer and return 10 results with title and pubYear
zulia --index publications --rows 10 --fetch FULL --fl title --fl pubYear search --query "cancer" --queryField title --queryField abstract


Filters are the same as queries except there is no score calculated

Filter Options

-m, --mm, --minimumShouldMatch=n
                   How many optional (ORed) terms are required
-o, --defaultOperator=OR,AND
                   The default operator to use if not explicitly defined
                   between terms
-q, --query=someQuery
--qf, --queryFields=<arg1>
                   Fields to search for terms in the query without an
                   explicit field given

Single Filter

# filter results to where pubYear=2020
zulia --index publications --rows 10 --fetch FULL --fl title --fl pubYear filter --query "pubYear:2020"

Multiple Filters

# filter results to where pubYear is 2020 AND journalName is Nature
zulia --index publications --rows 10 --fetch FULL --fl title --fl pubYear filter --query "pubYear:2020" filter --query "journalName:Nature"

Filter With Search (Scored Query)

# filter results to where pubYear is 2020 and title contains cats.  The search will be order by the relevance of the search cats
 zulia --index publications --rows 10 --fetch FULL --fl title --fl pubYear filter --query "pubYear:2020" search --query "title:cats"


Sort Options

-s, --sortField=fieldToSort   Sort field name

Basic Sort

# filter documents to document matching cats in title and sort the results be title A-Z
zulia --index publications --rows 10 --fetch FULL --fl title --fl pubYear filter --query "title:cats" sort --sortField title --order ASCENDING

Basic Sort

# filter documents to document matching cats in title and sort the results be title A-Z
zulia --index publications --rows 10 --fetch FULL --fl title --fl pubYear filter --query "title:cats" sort --sortField title --order ASCENDING

Two Sorts

# sort by pubYear descending then by title ascending (A-Z)
zulia --index publications --rows 10 --fetch FULL --fl title --fl pubYear filter --query "title:cats" sort --sortField pubYear --order DESCENDING sort --sortField title --order ASCENDING

Facet / Aggregation

Facet Options

-f, --facetField=facetName   Facet facet field name
-p, --path=somePath          Path values for a hierarchical facet
-s, --shardTopN=n     The number of facets to request from each shard.
                          Increasing this number can increase the accuracy
                          of sharded facets when all of the facets are not
                          returned in the top N
 -t, --topN=n         The number of facets to return

Simple Facet

# show top 10 (default) pubYear counts for search title:cats and do not return documents
zulia --index publications search --query "title:cats" facet --facetField pubYear
# same but also return top 15 search result ids (also could be a full fetch)
zulia --index publications --rows 15 search --query "title:cats" facet --facetField pubYear
# show top 20 pubYear counts of search title:cats and do not return documents
zulia --index publications search --query "title:cats" facet --facetField pubYear --top 20

Numeric Stat

# show number of values, number of documents, min, max, and sum for field pubYear matching the search of title:dogs
zulia --index publications search --query "title:dogs" stat --numericField pubYear
# show number of values, number of documents, min, max, sum for field pubYear and authorCount matching the search of title:dogs
zulia --index publications search --query "title:cats" stat --numericField pubYear stat --numericField authorCount

Numeric Stat

#show the sum of author count for each facet of pubYear (sorted by authorCount sum)
zulia --index publications search --query "title:cats" statFacet --facetField pubYear --numericField authorCount