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>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DeoVR JSON Generator
# Copy the example environment file to .env
# Set DEOVR_JSON_GEN_URL to the URL of your domain (if any), else
# Change the WEB_HOST value to your IP address
cp .env.example .env
# Create an empty deovr file on project root
touch deovr
# Build the docker image and run the container
docker-compose up --build --detach
Site is now available at http://<WEB_HOST>:<WEB_PORT> (http://localhost:32169 by default) - host and port can be changed in .env
Using a DeoVR player on your VR headset browse to the above URL and you should see your VR directory listed.
# Poetry is required for installing and managing dependencies
# https://python-poetry.org/docs/#installation
poetry install
# Run the generator locally
poetry run python main.py </path/to/your/vr/directory>
# Install pre-commit hooks
poetry run pre-commit install
# Formatting (inplace formats code)
poetry run black .
# Linting (and to fix automatically)
poetry run ruff .
poetry run ruff --fix .
# Type checking
poetry run mypy .
Configuration details can be found in pyproject.toml.