* Returns the dimensions of a standard page size in pixels.
* @param {PageSize} pageSize - The standard page size. Possible values are "A0", "A1", "A2", "A3", "A4", "A5", "Letter", "Legal", "Tabloid".
* @param {PageOrientation} orientation - The orientation of the page. Possible values are "portrait" and "landscape".
* @returns {PageDimensions} - An object containing the width and height of the page in pixels.
* @typedef {Object} PageDimensions
* @property {number} width - The width of the page in pixels.
* @property {number} height - The height of the page in pixels.
* @example
* const dimensions = getPageDimensions("A4", "portrait");
* console.log(dimensions); // { width: 794.56, height: 1122.56 }
getPagePDFDimensions(pageSize: PageSize, orientation: PageOrientation): PageDimensions;
* Creates a PDF from the provided SVG elements with specified scaling and page properties.
* @param {Object} params - The parameters for creating the PDF.
* @param {SVGSVGElement[]} params.SVG - An array of SVG elements to be included in the PDF.
* @param {PDFExportScale} [params.scale={ fitToPage: 1, zoom: 1 }] - The scaling options for the SVG elements.
* @param {PDFPageProperties} [params.pageProps] - The properties for the PDF pages.
* @returns {Promise<ArrayBuffer>} - A promise that resolves to an ArrayBuffer containing the PDF data.
* @example
* const pdfData = await createToPDF({
* SVG: [svgElement1, svgElement2],
* scale: { fitToPage: 1 },
* pageProps: {
* dimensions: { width: 794.56, height: 1122.56 },
* backgroundColor: "#ffffff",
* margin: { left: 20, right: 20, top: 20, bottom: 20 },
* alignment: "center",
* }
* filename: "example.pdf",
* });
createPDF({ SVG, scale, pageProps, filename, }: {
SVG: SVGSVGElement[];
scale?: PDFExportScale;
pageProps?: PDFPageProperties;
filename: string;
}): Promise<void>;
* Creates an SVG representation of the current view.
* @param {Object} options - The options for creating the SVG.
* @param {boolean} [options.withBackground=true] - Whether to include the background in the SVG.
* @param {"light" | "dark"} [options.theme] - The theme to use for the SVG.
* @param {FrameRenderingOptions} [options.frameRendering={enabled: true, name: true, outline: true, clip: true}] - The frame rendering options.
* @param {number} [options.padding] - The padding to apply around the SVG.
* @param {boolean} [options.selectedOnly=false] - Whether to include only the selected elements in the SVG.
* @param {boolean} [options.skipInliningFonts=false] - Whether to skip inlining fonts in the SVG.
* @param {boolean} [options.embedScene=false] - Whether to embed the scene in the SVG.
* @returns {Promise<SVGSVGElement>} A promise that resolves to the SVG element.
createViewSVG({ withBackground, theme, frameRendering, padding, selectedOnly, skipInliningFonts, embedScene, }: {
withBackground?: boolean;
theme?: "light" | "dark";
frameRendering?: FrameRenderingOptions;
padding?: number;
selectedOnly?: boolean;
skipInliningFonts?: boolean;
embedScene?: boolean;
}): Promise<SVGSVGElement>;
* If set, this callback is triggered when a image is being saved in Excalidraw.
* You can use this callback to customize the naming and path of pasted images to avoid
* default names like "Pasted image 123147170.png" being saved in the attachments folder,
* and instead use more meaningful names based on the Excalidraw file or other criteria,
* plus save the image in a different folder.
* If the function returns null or undefined, the normal Excalidraw operation will continue
* with the excalidraw generated name and default path.
* If a filepath is returned, that will be used. Include the full Vault filepath and filename
* with the file extension.
* The currentImageName is the name of the image generated by excalidraw or provided during paste.
* @param data - An object containing the following properties:
* @property {string} [currentImageName] - Default name for the image.
* @property {string} drawingFilePath - The file path of the Excalidraw file where the image is being used.
* @returns {string} - The new filepath for the image including full vault path and extension.
* Example usage:
* onImageFilePathHook: (data) => {
* const { currentImageName, drawingFilePath } = data;
* // Generate a new filepath based on the drawing file name and other criteria
* const ext = currentImageName.split('.').pop();
* return `${drawingFileName} - ${currentImageName || 'image'}.${ext}`;
* }
onImageFilePathHook: (data: {
currentImageName: string; // Excalidraw generated name of the image, or the name received from the file system.
drawingFilePath: string; // The full filepath of the Excalidraw file where the image is being used.
}) => string = null;